Artículo Académico / Academic Paper
Recibido: 28-10-2022, Aprobado tras revisión: 12-01-2023
Forma sugerida de citación: Pereira, O.; Rosés, R.; Giménez, M. (2023). QV Analysis for the Identification of Vulnerable Zones
to Voltage Collapse: A Study Case”.No. 19, Issue II, Pp. 32-41
ISSN On-line: 2602-8492 - ISSN Impreso: 1390-5074
© 2023 Operador Nacional de Electricidad, CENACE
QV Analysis for the Identification of Vulnerable Zones to Voltage Collapse: A
Study Case
Análisis QV para la Identificación de Zonas Vulnerables a un Colapso de
Tensión: Un Caso de Estudio
O. Pereira1 R. Rosés1 M. Giménez1
1Institute of Electric Energy, National University of San Juan, San Juan, Argentina
Radial High-Voltage networks have problems
ensuring voltage stability when a fault occurs.
Among preventive actions for these events, installing
reactive power compensation in the most vulnerable
zones to voltage instability is an economical and
simple alternative. Previous works have used the QV
curves methodology based on contingency power
flows to identify such zones. However, this method
has been criticized because it does not consider the
dynamical effect of some network elements that
depend on the voltage levels, especially in
contingency scenarios. This article proposes a QV
curve analysis based on the operating point resulting
from dynamic simulations to amend this critique. To
evaluate the proposed procedure, the model of the
Patagonian High-Voltage Network in southern
Argentina is used through the PSS/E software with
the help of the Python programming language. The
results detect the most vulnerable areas to voltage
instability after a fault occurs and the reactive power
necessary to maintain voltage levels in an acceptable
operating range. The proposed methodology can be
applied to other networks. For example, it can be
used in the Latin-American context to assess future
network expansions, especially on those linking
countries, such as Ecuador with Perú or Colombia,
or even the Centro American Interconnected
Las redes radiales de alta tensión son muy propensas
a sufrir inestabilidades de tensión cuando se
presentan fallas. Dentro de las acciones preventivas
ante este tipo de eventos, la instalación de
compensación de potencia reactiva en las zonas con
más problemas de tensión es una alternativa
económica y sencilla de aplicar. Trabajos previos
han utilizado el método de las curvas QV basados en
flujos de potencia en estados de contingencia para
identificar tales zonas. Sin embargo, este
procedimiento es criticado debido a que no
contempla el efecto dinámico de elementos que
cambian su comportamiento de acuerdo a los niveles
de tensión, especialmente en escenarios de
contingencia. Con el fin de subsanar esta crítica, este
artículo propone el uso de las mismas curvas QV
basándose en los puntos de operación resultantes de
simulaciones dinámicas. Para evaluar la
metodología propuesta, se utilizó el modelo de la red
radial de alta tensión de la Patagonia, al sur de
Argentina, por medio del software PSS/E en
conjunto con el lenguaje de programación Python.
Los resultados detectaron las zonas más propensas a
la inestabilidad de tensión y el requerimiento de
potencia reactiva necesaria para que la red opere en
niveles de tensión aceptables. La metodología
propuesta puede ser replicada en cualquier tipo de
red. Por ejemplo, en el contexto latinoamericano, se
podría utilizar en posibles futuras expansiones de
red, especialmente en aquellas que vinculen países
como Ecuador con Colombia o Perú, o también el
Sistema Interconectado Centroamericano.
Index termsVoltage Stability, QV curves,
Dynamic Simulations, Radial High Voltage
Networks, Reactive Compensation, PSS/E.
Palabras claveEstabilidad de tensión, Curvas QV,
Simulaciones dinámicas, Redes de Alta Tensión
Radial, Compensación de Potencia Reactiva, PSS/E.
Edición No. 19, Issue II, Enero 2023
The demand growth is a constant concern for
Transmission System Operators (TSO). To address this
situation, TSOs require expansion plans to establish
measures to fulfill the demand projections while
maintaining power quality parameters. In these future
network requirements, besides planning the renewal or
the addition of power plants, it is also mandatory to
consider the grids reinforcement to make sure that the
network can transfer this new generation without
compromising the power system stability [1], [2],[3].
Another concern for the operator is the systems
operation after a contingency. In the case of a fault on
High Voltage (HV) networks with radial topology, the
systems voltage stability is affected due to the lack of
paths to transfer the generated power. The construction
of parallel lines could be a solution to this problem.
Besides increasing the power transfer capacity of the
network, it could also improve reliability in post-fault
scenarios, preventing the disconnection of power plants
and maintaining the reactive power reserves. However,
because of the long-term investment it represents, TSOs
look for more economical alternatives. For example,
countries such as Chile [4] and South Korea [5] have
reported avoiding that kind of investment by installing
significant amounts of reactive power compensation in
the most vulnerable zones of the circuit to a voltage
collapse. It is a more reasonable solution since it is
cheaper and provides more stability and transfer capacity
in the power system.
Different methods are proposed in the literature to
assess the voltage stability in power systems. For
example, four widely used methods are the QV Modal
Analysis, QV Sensitivity Analysis, and the PV and QV
curves. The reason behind the use of these methods is that
they require static power flows to develop the analysis.
However, each method has different purposes and
distinct application advantages as well as disadvantages.
The QV Modal and the QV Sensitivity Analysis are
similar methods. Both of them require as input the
inverse matrix of the resulting Jacobian from the power
flow. The difference between these methods is that the
QV Modal Analysis calculates the matrix eigenvalues to
determine whether a specific bus is stable [6]. Instead, the
Sensitivity Analysis determines the stability of a bus by
looking at the bus’ respective value on the diagonal
components of the matrix. This value corresponds to the
sensitivity of the voltage in the bus with respect to the
change in the reactive power [7]. Both methods check for
the sign of the observed value; if it is positive, then the
bus should not have voltage instability problems.
On the other hand, PV and QV curves are graphical
methods based on the results obtained by a sequence of
power flows in which the voltage levels are continuously
tracked. The PV curves determine the power transfer
limit between generation and load zones by incrementing
the generated power in each simulation until unstable
operating points appear [8]. Alternately, QV curves are
in function of the increment of the reactive power
injection/consumption in a single bus until reaching
voltage levels that are not within an acceptable range.
This characteristic helps to determine the reactive power
requirement of some specific buses in the circuit and how
would the voltage level change according to the reactive
compensation [9].
Among the exposed methods, QV curves, QV Modal,
or QV Sensitivity analyses are more suitable for
identifying and localizing vulnerable zones to voltage
instabilities. Even though the last two methods are
considered to be more straightforward since the results
are obtained directly from the matrix and not from a
number of power flows, these methods have the
disadvantage that they are not available in all the
simulation software, or at least in some cases, it is
required an external program, for example, Matlab, to
extract the information to develop the analysis. Another
problem that these two methods have is that depending
on the size of the network, the computational effort to
invert the Jacobian matrix is a topic of concern [10].
QV curves have many application advantages over
the other methods. It is a fast method compared to
dynamic studies, and unlike PV curves, it has fewer
problems when it comes to convergence [11]. Also, it is
a widely used tool: Recent studies have reported using
simulation software such as PSSE [12], DigSilent [13],
PowerWorld [14], NEPLAN [15], Matlab [16], and
Python [17] to develop QV curves in real and test circuits.
The analysis of these curves, and if possible,
complemented with other voltage stability criteria such
as modal or sensitivity analysis, helps to study the
reactive power margins, determine the most suitable
areas to install reactive compensation, and make planning
decisions in the long and medium term.
Authors in [11] suggest that the results obtained from
the QV curves in post-fault scenarios must be
complemented with dynamic simulations. The traditional
way to obtain the QV curves does not contemplate the
evolutionary behavior of On Load Tap Changers
(OLTC), Overexciting Limiters (OEL), Governors, and
Automatic Voltage Regulators (AVR) during a fault and
their effect on the system, which can guide misleading
conclusions. Hence it opens the door to inaccurate
reactive power compensation sizing and locating. Since
then, no further research has been related to a proposal
that improves the reliability of the results of the QV
curves in the post-fault state.
This paper addresses a different way to obtain the QV
curves in a post-fault state by assessing the operating
points resulting from dynamic simulations instead of the
contingency power flow using a model of a real large-
scale circuit. This methodology evades the disadvantages
of QV curves exposed by [11]. Moreover, by taking the
stabilized operation points after dynamic simulations to
Pereira et. al. / QV Analysis for the Identification of Vulnerable Zones to Voltage Collapse: A Study Case
create the QV curves, it complies with the premise
exposed in [8] by characterizing the steady-state
operation of the system. The main contributions of this
paper are:
Providing a reliable methodology to obtain QV
curves for post-fault scenarios to be applied on a
real large-scale network model, contemplating the
effect of dynamic elements such as the different
OELs and OLTCs.
Determining zones prone to voltage instability
due to the presence of faults. So that these are later
reinforced through the amount of reactive
compensation specified on the QV curve and help
mitigate voltage instability problems.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 presents the classic formulation of the QV
curves, and Section 4 describes the proposed
methodology in this study. Section 4 shows the planned
expansion in Argentina for 2024 and the need for voltage
stability studies. The QV analysis for the Patagonian HV
network is presented in Section 5. Finally, the
Conclusions and Future Work are presented in Sections
6 and 7, respectively.
QV curves depict the reactive power, consumed or
injected, needed to obtain a specific voltage level in a
bus. When plotted, the x-axis corresponds to the voltage
level, and the y-axis to the reactive power compensation.
The positive sign in the y-axis is associated with reactive
power injection and the negative sign with consumption.
Fig. 1 shows an example of three different QV curves 𝒄𝟏,
𝒄𝟐 and 𝒄𝟑 in the voltage range of 0.7 pu to 1.2 pu.
The curve divides into two operating zones according
to the slope of the curve: stable (positive slope, the solid
line in Fig.1) and unstable (negative slope, dotted line).
The unstable part of the QV curve corresponds to
deficient voltage levels, which are undesirable operating
points. Instead, the stable side corresponds to voltage
levels comprehending a range of acceptable values.
Each curves knee point reveals the correspondent
buss reactive power margin. This point also informs
from what value of reactive power the operation is in the
stable zone of the curve. If the margin is negative, there
exists at least an operation point on the stable zone of the
curve. On the contrary, if the margin is positive, there is
no operation point without the injection of reactive power
(installation of capacitive compensation).
Fig. 1 depicts the margins for curves 𝒄𝟏 and 𝒄𝟑
through the values 𝑸𝟏 and 𝑸𝟑, respectively. In the case
of 𝒄𝟏, it shows that the curve has a range of 𝑸𝟏 MVAr,
where an operating point in the stable zone is ensured
until reaching the point 𝑶𝟏. On the other hand, 𝒄𝟑
corresponds to a curve with a positive margin, a typical
curve of very loaded scenarios. To guarantee an
operating point on the stable side of the curve, the bus
needs the injection of at least 𝑸𝟑 MVAr. However, the
knee point of the curve is not always associated with a
voltage value in an acceptable range, so a higher
compensation is required. Thus, to ensure a 1.00 pu
voltage operation at the bus, 𝑸𝟑
MVAr should be
installed, a value greater than 𝑸𝟑.
Figure 1: QV curve example
The methodology to get the curve consists of
installing a fictitious generator with no active power
generation and without reactive power limit in the bus of
interest and then running a series of power flow
simulations. The bus changes from PQ to PV type, setting
the voltage value in a specific range through the power
flow series to obtain the reactive power
injection/consumption to hold the voltage level at the
specified value.
Different ways exist to execute the power flow series
for obtaining the QV curves. One method starts with
identifying the base voltage value from the original
power flow. Then, the simulations could be performed in
two sequential stages: ascending, beginning from the
base voltage and increasing it in small steps until
reaching the established upper limit, then descending
from the base voltage to the lower limit.
In post-fault scenarios, to contemplate the operation
of an isolated area by a three-phase fault, the bus with the
highest rated capacity in the islanded system is selected
as a slack bus, allowing the power flow to reveal the
voltage level status of these zones.
There are some considerations regarding the voltage
range of the curves. When evaluating high or low voltage
values, there exists the risk that the power flow does not
converge. Researchers in [18] used the PSSE software to
perform a QV analysis using the non-divergent power
flow option, which ensures obtaining values that, despite
not being convergent, avoid unrealistic results by
stopping the simulation before getting very high
mismatches. On the other hand, in [1] and [19], they
Edición No. 19, Issue II, Enero 2023
avoid the convergence problem using the Continuation
Power Flow method. The most conservative way to deal
with this problem is taking the recommendation from [9],
which suggests that the most relevant voltage range is
between 0.9 pu and 1.1 pu. Although when evaluating
only in this range of values, the complete behavior of the
curve is not shown, it may be enough to detect voltage
The classical way to develop QV curves for post-
fault scenarios is through contingency power flows.
These simulations are based on a static power flow (i.e.,
Full Newton Raphson) in an N-k status network. As
stated previously, this procedure does not contemplate
the action of control mechanisms which could be
essential for supporting voltage stability when a
contingency appears. This simplification could lead to
inaccurate conclusions, labeling, for example, voltage
conditions in a bus as unstable when dynamic simulations
show that they are indeed stable, as shown in [11].
A reasonable alternative for tackling this problem is
taking the operating points after a dynamic simulation as
a base to develop the curves. With an adequate base of
dynamic models, these kinds of simulations give accurate
information about the post-fault state, including the effect
of the automatisms that the classic power flow cannot
Using the resulting operating points from dynamic
simulations means taking a snapshot of the network
condition seconds after the fault is simulated. Ideally, the
time between the fault and the snapshot has to be long
enough so that the oscillating effect does not influence
the operating points. After that, the same sequence
explained in Section II to obtain the QV curve is followed
for the list of buses under study.
In the series of power flows required to obtain the
curves, all the setpoints obtained from the dynamic
simulation are also considered: This includes the
generators’ active power delivered, reactive power
delivered or consumed, and voltage setpoints fixed at the
resulting value. It also comprehends the transformers’
new tap positions, switched shunts’ statuses, and the load
consumption according to the resulting voltage level (ZIP
Since the study focuses on the injection or
consumption of reactive power and its effect on the
voltage levels and also considering that the frequency
levels after the dynamic simulation should be close to
nominal, the methodology assumes the simplification of
fixing the frequency base value at nominal.
Note that the main difference between the classic
method and the one proposed in this study is the choice
of the initial operating points. Taking this into account,
Fig.2 illustrates a diagram for the proposed methodology,
where the variable 𝒌 is the size of the voltage step in the
ascending and descending sequence of power flows, 𝒏
the number of buses under study, and 𝑽𝒉𝒊𝒈𝒉 and 𝑽𝒍𝒐𝒘 are
the upper and lower voltage limits of the QV curve.
Due to the long extension of the country and its
geography, the more abundant natural resources in
Argentina vary according to latitude. In the northwest,
there is more potential to exploit solar energy, whereas in
the south, especially in the Patagonian region, hydro and
wind power.
One of the main objectives of the expansion plan in
Argentina for the medium term is to take more advantage
of the resources in the Patagonian Region to supply the
growing demand in the future years [20]. There are
approximately 1.5 GW of wind power installed capacity,
and the expansion plan sets the installation of 25 MW of
wind power and 1.3 GW of hydropower capacity in two
stages: 360 MW for 2024 and 950 MW for 2029.
Argentina relies on 500 kV HV networks to transport
the generated power from the north and south regions to
the main demand centers of the country. In the
Patagonian Regions case, a radial corridor of 1120 km
goes from La Esperanza 500/220 kV substation to the
Choele-Choel 500/330/132 kV substation. At that point,
the network meshes for approximately 1000 km until the
capital city, Buenos Aires. With the inclusion of future
Figure 2: Proposed QV curves methodology diagram
Pereira et. al. / QV Analysis for the Identification of Vulnerable Zones to Voltage Collapse: A Study Case
power plants, reinforcing the Patagonian HV radial
corridor is a topic of interest for the TSO.
Fig. 3 depicts the 500 kV Patagonian networks
expansion plan from 2022 to 2024. By 2024, when the
planned 360 MW hydropower plant in La Barrancosa
station comes into operation, three reinforcement
alternatives are considered: A0, A1, and A2. Alternative
A0 corresponds to the original plan for 2024, which in
comparison with 2022, it includes a line series capacitor
after Río Santa Cruz 500/132 kV substation. Alternatives
A1 and A2 are based on A0: A1 incorporates a line series
capacitor right after the Santa Cruz Norte 500/132 kV
substation. On the other hand, A2 contemplates the
partition of the HV line connecting the Santa Cruz Norte
and Puerto Madryn substations to create the Comodoro
Rivadavia Oeste substation. There a line series capacitor
is installed.
According to [20], the reason behind the installation
of line series capacitors is to increase the power transfer
in the corridor since it has saturation problems. These
devices also can improve the reactive power support to
maintain the voltage levels in an acceptable range.
Nevertheless, when faults occur, the capacitors are
bypassed [9], causing the system to run out of the reactive
compensation they provide in a critical situation,
aggravating the general stability of the system.
Due to the radial topology of the Patagonian system,
faults on the 500 kV network could imply severe
consequences for the systems voltage stability. Single-
phase faults with successful reclosing can cause back-
swing problems. In addition to violating the security
operation criteria for an adequate voltage level, it could
generate the disconnection of loads or even cause the grid
to operate in weak operating conditions. On the other
hand, three-phase faults can cause the islanding of some
portions of the system and the loss of availability of
reactive power sources to maintain voltage levels.
However, for this kind of fault, there are resources such
as the automatic disconnection of generators through
System Protection Schemes (SPS) to balance the demand
and the generation in an N-1 system condition. Another
possible consequence, depending on where the fault
occurs, is that the power flow intended to be transported
by the 500 kV network diverts to the adjacent 132 kV
network through the Santa Cruz Norte substation,
overloading the lower-voltage network and aggravating
the voltage problems in the area.
4.1 System description
Fig. 4 shows a single-line diagram of the Patagonian HV
network scheduled for 2024, including the elements of
the three reinforcement alternatives and the adjacent 132
kV part connected to the 500 kV Network between
Puerto Madryn (500-B3) and Santa Cruz Norte (500-B7)
substations. Due to the voltage impact that the 132 kV
network may suffer as a consequence of a fault, it is
necessary to consider it to get a better perspective of the
stability of the whole network.
Figure 3: Expansion plan 2022-2024 for the Patagonian Region
Edición No. 19, Issue II, Enero 2023
4.2 Post-fault Scenarios
The letters from A to G in Fig.4 denote the eight fault
locations to be considered. Each letter is associated with
the line to fault. It must be noted that locations G and H
are exclusive for alternative A2 since substation
Comodoro Rivadavia Oeste (500-B5) splits the 500 kV
line from Puerto Madryn (500-B3) to Santa Cruz Norte
(500-B3). Consequently, location F is only considered by
alternatives A0 and A1. The other fault locations are part
of all three alternatives.
Figure 4: Single Line Circuit of the Patagonian HV Network
Table 1: Considered Fault Scenarios
Fault Scenario
Generation Units
Equivalent MW
0 MW
360 MW
260 MW
260 MW
620 MW
1070 MW
1038 MW
1070 MW
Only three-phase and single-phase faults with
successful reclosing are studied regarding the types of
faults to be simulated. Three-phase faults are considered
in all of the described locations in Fig.4, while single-
phase faults are considered only for locations F, G, and
H due to the effect of this type of fault on the main 500
kV corridor (500-B3 to 500-B7) could be detrimental.
When evaluating three-phase faults, the automatic
disconnection of generation units is considered. Table 1
shows the maximum number of disconnected generators
and the corresponding total amount in MW for each fault
location and type of fault (3 for three-phase and 1 for
single-phase faults). In the case of single-phase faults, the
disconnection of generating units is not considered.
Besides contemplating different fault locations and
the automatic disconnection of generation units, the post-
fault scenarios consider four distinct generation cases
that depend on the power delivered by the principal
power plants in the area: La Barrancosa (500-B11) and
Río Turbio (220-B3). These are:
0G: All generators are turned off (P = 0 MW).
0G-RT: Generators of 500-B11 are off, but those of
220-B3 are delivering power at 50% of their
nominal capacity (P = 140 MW)
3G: All generators of 500-B11 are at 95% of their
nominal capacity, and those of 220-B3 are off (P =
342 MW).
3G-RT: Generators of 500-B11 and the ones of
220-B3 are at 95% and 50% of their respective
nominal capacity (P = 482 MW).
4.3 Previous considerations for the QV curves
The dynamic simulations and the QV curves were
made using PSS/E software version 33.5 and the Python
programming language.
The initial operation points to use in QV curves were
obtained from the result of dynamic simulations. The
dynamic models used are the homologated ones from the
network under study. These simulations considered a
time window of 900 s (15 minutes) after the simulated
fault. At the end of the simulation, if the operating points
are in a steady-state condition, then this point is taken to
develop the QV curves of the corresponding case.
The ZIP model considered the load model for the
dynamic simulations and the QV curves, where the
current and impedance constant proportion for the active
power part was 80% and 20%, respectively. Instead, the
reactive power part was 50% - 50%.
The QV curve slope and the base voltage value when
the reactive power is 0 determine if a bus tends to have
voltage problems. If the bus voltage value in the post-
fault cases ranges from 0.95 pu to 1.05 pu for buses in the
500 kV network or from 0.93 to 1.07 for the 132 kV
network, the bus does not tend to have voltage problems.
Pereira et. al. / QV Analysis for the Identification of Vulnerable Zones to Voltage Collapse: A Study Case
Otherwise, the bus requires reactive power compensation
to improve the voltage conditions. On the other hand, the
QV curve slope determines the increment ratio of
reactive power injection with respect to voltage. If this
ratio is high, it could be a problem since high
compensation sizing would be required to achieve small
changes in the voltage level, which depending on the
compensation device, is not always physically possible.
4.4 Results
Figs. 5, 6, and 7 show the QV curves for the
alternatives A0, A1, and A2, respectively, exposing only
the buses in different generation and fault location
scenarios whose voltage is lower than 0.95 pu for 500 kV
buses or 0.93 for 132 kV buses when the reactive power
consumed/injected is 0. Neither of the analyzed cases
presented a base voltage above 1.05 pu.
For the case of the curves shown for alternative A0,
voltage problems occur in bus 500-B7 for two specific
fault locations: A3 and E3. The base voltages of all the
scenarios are slightly lower than 0.95 pu, meaning that
they require low reactive compensation. However, the
slope of the curve reveals that faults in location A are
more problematic than faults in location E, requiring
more reactive compensation than the other case to
maintain the same voltage level.
In the curves shown for alternative A1, bus 500-B3
presents voltage problems in the 3G generation scenario
for three-phase faults in A and D, similar to those in
scenario A0. Nevertheless, the attention is on the single-
phase fault with successful reclosing at location F in the
higher generation scenario (3G-RT). The 132-kV buses
132-B4, 132-B5, and 132-B6 show a different problem:
they have a low slope but require more reactive power
(from 200 to 600 MVAr) to have an operating point
between an acceptable voltage range.
In alternative A2, the same group of 132 kV buses
reported similar voltage problems when evaluating the
3G-RT scenario for single-phase faults with successful
reclosing in locations H and G. When the fault is assessed
on location H, the required compensation ranges from
270 to 550 MVAr. In contrast, location G varies from 145
to almost 500 MVAr. Also, bus 500-B7 presented voltage
problems similar to the ones reported in A0: base voltage
close to 0.95 and high slope.
Fig. 8 shows a results diagram detailing each case
with voltage problems in the three alternatives according
to the generation scenario, fault type, and location. It also
includes the minimum reactive power compensation
required to have a voltage value between acceptable
ranges depending on whether the bus is on the 500 kV or
132 kV network and the required compensation to reach
a 1.00 pu voltage.
The results show that each alternative has localized
and common areas where voltage problems occur in
different fault and generation scenarios. In the case of
alternative A0, the issues are in bus 500-B7. While in
alternatives A1 and A2, the problems mainly occur in the
132 kV buses: 132-B4, 132-B5, and 132-B6.
Also, in terms of the need for reactive power
compensation, the post-fault scenarios with the highest
generation after a single-phase fault with successful
reclosing in the 500-B3 to 500-B7 corridor are more
problematic than three-phase fault scenarios. For each of
the reported 132 kV buses with voltage problems for
these cases, the base voltage values are lower than 0.93
pu and require almost 150 MVAr to 345 MVAr of
compensation to have acceptable voltage levels. It is
worth noting that in both planning alternatives, bus 132-
B5 requires more compensation than the other 132 kV
Figure 5: QV curves for buses in Alternative A0
Figure 6: QV curves for buses in Alternative A1
Edición No. 19, Issue II, Enero 2023
Figure 7: QV curves for buses in Alternative A2
Figure 8: Summary of reported scenarios with voltage problems
This paper assessed the QV curves using the post-
fault network operation points obtained from dynamic
simulations under different generation and fault
scenarios. The results identified zones prone to voltage
instability and the approximate amount of reactive
compensation necessary to solve the problem in the
Patagonian HV network under different planning
Three planning alternatives for the year 2024 were
evaluated. The QV curves of each of these alternatives
showed a certain similarity, identifying the 500 kV area
of Santa Cruz Norte (500-B7) and part of its extension at
132 kV (buses 132-B4, 132-B5, and 132 -B6) as areas
prone to voltage instability.
In the cases studied, a pattern was noted for the two
types of faults analyzed. The QV curves for scenarios
where three-phase faults were evaluated generally
showed base voltage values close to the lower allowable
limit with a high slope. On the contrary, single-phase
faults with successful reclosing for alternatives A1 and
A2 showed the need for more significant reactive
compensation than three-phase fault scenarios to achieve
an operating point in an acceptable range.
It is not possible to define a specific amount of
reactive compensation that works for all the post-fault
scenarios evaluated in the three planning alternatives.
However, it was demonstrated that QV curves could give
an insight into a range of possible values, which would
depend on the evaluated case.
The proposed methodology can be extended to
analyze other transmission systems. Nevertheless, it is
important to remember that each network has its own
characteristics, and the results obtained in this study
cannot be extrapolated to other similar networks.
By identifying the location of the most vulnerable
areas to voltage instability and the approximate necessary
size of the reactive compensation needed, it is now
possible to assess the type of element that will have such
Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems
(FACTS), specifically the Static Synchronous
Compensator (STATCOM), are gaining a good
reputation worldwide for solving voltage instability
problems. STATCOM devices can improve the power
transfer, support the network under critical conditions
better than shunt capacitors, and do not depend on the
voltage level of the point of connection to inject/consume
reactive power with a fast response. With the
employment of this kind of element, the effects of faults
on the voltage levels can be mitigated, ensuring better
Future research aims to evaluate the use of
STATCOM on the Patagonian Network through dynamic
simulations. The WECC-validated generic model
SVSMO3 and the simplified CSTCNT models can be
employed for such labor in PSS/E.
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Orlando Pereira Guzmán. -
Nació en San José, Costa Rica en
1994. Recibió su título de
Bachillerato y Licenciatura en la
carrera de Ingeniería Eléctrica de la
Universidad de Costa Rica en 2017
y 2020, respectivamente.
Actualmente es becario del DAAD
en el programa de Maestría en Ingeniería Eléctrica de la
Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Argentina. Sus
campos de investigación se relacionan con el modelado y
simulación de Redes de Transmisión y Distribución y la
incorporación de tecnologías emergentes en las mismas.
Rodolfo Edgar Rosés. - nació en
San Juan, Argentina en 1960. Se
graduó como Ingeniero Electricista
y Doctor en Ingeniería Eléctrica en
la Universidad Nacional de San
Juan. Su experiencia incluye el
análisis de funcionamiento de
Sistema Eléctricos, Operación en
Tiempo Real, Restauración de Cargas, desarrollo de
Software e implementación de metodologías para
operación de Sistemas Eléctrico en Centros de Control
con Sistemas SCADA. Es Docente-Investigador en el
Instituto de Energía Eléctrica de la U. N. de San Juan
desde 1986 y dicta cursos de grado, postgrado y
capacitación profesional.
Edición No. 19, Issue II, Enero 2023
María del Carmen Giménez. -
Ingeniera Electromecánica, 1989
Universidad Nacional de San Juan,
Argentina. Investigador, Profesor y
Consultor en Sistemas Eléctricos.
Profesor en el área de posgrado para
las carreras de Doctorado y
Maestría en Ingeniería Eléctrica.
Codirección de Becarios de la carrera de Maestría en el
área de los Sistemas de Potencia y empleo de nuevas
tecnologías (Líneas de Corriente Continua, STATCOMs
y Energías Renovables). Dirección, Codirección y
participante en Proyectos de Transferencia Tecnológica
en el área de Análisis de Funcionamiento de Sistemas
Eléctricos. Especialidad: Análisis de Funcionamiento de
Sistemas de Potencia. Análisis de Contingencias,
Análisis de Estabilidad de Tensión, Transitoria y de
Pequeñas Señales. Especialista en modelación Dinámica
de Sistemas Eléctricos.