Edición No. 20, Issue I, Julio 2023
Currently there are a lot of industrial processes that
demand a specific control method for its proper
operation. Within this group of procedures requiring
modernization and implementation of control systems,
are processes related to water treatment, specifically
drinking water treatment, which involves transforming
raw water from natural sources into drinking water within
the parameters established under specific standards for
human consumption. A conventional drinking water
treatment process consists of sequential steps and the
most important one, is coagulation since it ensures that
the dosed quantities of coagulating chemicals are in
accordance with the properties of the raw water such as
color, turbidity, pH and alkalinity [1]. Obtaining the
doses of these chemicals reacts to a non-linear response
done by experts. It is performed by jar testing, which is
not adaptive to changes in real time and needs a
considerable amount of time for its execution [1]. This is
an issue since there is an immediate and constant
dependence on qualified and experienced operators.
To ensure good quality of treated water, operators
must adjust the amounts of coagulant chemicals at certain
time intervals or climatic conditions where the water has
parameters outside the usual range. Excessive amounts of
coagulant chemicals correspond to increased treatment
costs and public health problems. An under dosage
corresponds to a failure in the flocculation of the water
and increases the frequency of maintenance of DWTP
increasing the cost of production. Moreover, an
implementation of algorithms based on artificial
intelligence and machine learning, which have been
investigated and implemented in treatment plants around
the world, is proposed.
For instance, [2] uses the potential provided by
artificial neural networks, supporting vector machines,
and gene expression programming to approximate the
model of trihalomethane formation generated by chlorine
water disinfection processes. They obtained as a result
three models that capture the complex nonlinear behavior
of the collected data. They also indicated excellent
predictive and generalization capability. Furthermore, it
demonstrated that these types of models, which
commonly need a large amount of data, apply to a smaller
amount of data. In another research, [3] artificial neural
networks (ANN) are utilized to model the PAC dose.
This method responds well when obtaining the
appropriate dose in real-time when a storm brings high
turbidity in raw water. In fact, they defined the input
variables using Pearson’s correlation and validated their
model using the mean square error obtained.
In addition, [4] developed a model where the type of
coagulant to be used is set by decision trees and the dose
was estimated by ANN, allowing to calculate from the
raw water parameters (pH, turbidity, and temperature),
the amount and type of coagulant to be used (PAC, PASS
and PSO-M). Moreover, [5] developed a model to predict
turbidity and color of treated water at the outlet of the
Rossdale WTP located in Edmonton, Alberta in Canada.
In 2009, [6] determined that the coagulant dose cannot be
settled under traditional mathematical models, because it
depends on several factors. Stating that the prediction of
coagulant by neural network provides high accuracy and
faster convergence speed and can be used to predict in
real time online.
These types of neural models are seen as standard
estimators of nonlinear relationships and their predictive
and generalization capabilities let them have successful
applications in different fields of knowledge [7].
On account of the above-mentioned research, the
objective of this study is to build a neural model that
adequately adapts to the relationship between raw water
quality and the doses of chemicals needed for treatment.
Initially, the data obtained involves a dosing history over
a period of 14 months. The correlation between raw water
quality and coagulant dosage was found. We will have to
find a middle ground in the learning of our model in
which we are not underfitting and not overfitting. For
this problem, the input data set for training should be
subdivided into two: one for training and one for the test
that the model will not know beforehand. This division is
usually made of 80% for training and 20%. The Test set
should have diverse samples and enough samples to be
able to check the results once the model has been trained.
We proceeded with the training and validation process of
the neural model by using the adaptive gradient algorithm
and the analysis of the results using MAPE and RMSE.
The results for the training set were an RMSE value
below 2.82 and for the MAPE, a value of less than 0.045.
On the other hand, for the test, set a RMSE value below
3.3 and 0.06 for the MAPE. It has been observed that the
RMSE metric does not predict whether the estimation
model is ideal or not. On the contrary, MAPE offers a
better way to determine the accuracy of the model. The
higher model accuracy is achieved when the value of
MAPE is lower. Proving that the system had the ability
to get information from dosing background and be able
to estimate PAC doses for different raw water qualities.
The following paper is organized as follows: an
overview of the water treatment process, determination
of the variables, data analysis, construction and training
of the neural model, analysis of results and conclusions.
2.1. Determination of Process Variables
The conventional drinking water treatment process
consists of 6 stages where the predominant process is
dosing. This defines the success of the following stages.
The process diagram of the drinking water treatment
process is shown in Fig. 1.