Edición No. 20, Issue II, Enero 2024
Minning is an economic activity that has been
growing since the beginning of the 20th century. From
1920 to 2018 the rate of exploitation of each mineral has
varied from 1.48% to 7.3% measured in megatons (Mt)
[1]. Since the end of the 1990s, mineral exploitation has
advanced at a much higher rate than in previous years,
which has caused an accelerated depletion of mineral
resources [2]. Among the largest industries that make use
of the exploited minerals, metallurgy, oil and cement can
be named. The cement industry complies with providing
the main material for construction, which is cement and
which has been key to the process of human civilization
For the cement grinding process, two machines can
be used, which are: a ball mill or a VRM vertical roller
mill. The ball mill makes use of grinding bodies and they
have been the main tool for more than 100 years,
although they have a low efficiency, while the vertical
mills are much more modern tools that are capable of
saving between 45 to 70% of the power consumed [4].
It is important to know that the cement classification
process in a VRM can be carried out by air sweep or by
overflow the use of the overflow model suggests more
energy savings than the sweep model, however it is
useless in certain conditions operation (VRM motor at
full load or rater load pressure) such as particle size,
moisture or hardness [5]. This directly influences energy
consumption and the characteristics and quality of the
Some methods to improve the grinding process vary
one parameter at a time such as the loading force, the rate
of revolution or the fractional filling [6]. Some studies
also try to predict energy consumption taking into
account the characteristics of the material to be ground in
the VRM [7]. An energy and exergy analysis are used to
compare the ball mill and the VRM, finding that the
VRM is more efficient and consumes less energy,
maintaining the quality parameters of the product, so its
use is recommended [8]. The grinding performance has
been improved by increasing the grinding surface, in
addition, it has been compared with other processes such
as jaw crushing and the ball mill, finding the VRM with
better characteristics in product quality and energy
efficiency [9]. A model of material failure can provide
different energy levels, which can help improve energy
efficiency [10]. With the above, it is observed that no
research makes use of optimization methods to find
adequate operating parameters in vertical mills.
Crushing processes consume about 3 to 4% of the
electricity generated worldwide and about 70% of the
energy required in an industry dedicated to mineral
processing [11]. That is why it is important to optimize
the cement grinding process, in order to obtain better
efficiency with the lowest consumption of electrical
energy, in addition, it is necessary to take into account
certain operating parameters to guarantee a quality
Most of the works related to energy consumption
vary a single parameter at a time, propose models, make
comparisons between grinding processes or perform
various energy analyses. The present work takes into
account five important parameters in the operation of any
VRM such as the load pressure, humidity, the speed of
rotation of the motor, outlet temperature and pressure
roller [12].
This document is structured by: section one presents
the introduction, in the second section is presented the
related work, the third section explains the milling
process in vertical mills, the methodology used is
explained in the fourth section, while in the fifth section
all the results obtained are presented and finally, in the
last section, the conclusions that were obtained.
The search for optimal operating parameters in
vertical milling processes is essential to guarantee a
product under all quality standards and that unplanned
shutdowns are considerably reduced. However, the
complexities of the models or the handling of proprietary
software make this task difficult.
There are several optimizations works related to
vertical roller mills. The one proposed by [13] proposes
the design of the lower rocker arm body that supports the
roller and take as optimization objective function the
mass of the rocker arm and as constraint conditions the
stresses and displacements generated by the roller in the
rocker arm in order to decrease the mass while
conserving the resistance and deformation. In this way,
the design is optimized and the cost is reduced by saving
A VRM in its normal operation undergoes cyclic
bending stresses due to the roller load which can cause
fractures in the mill table so [14] makes use of artificial
neural networks to solve the multi-objective optimization
problem by determining the maximum and minimum
stresses to which the vertical mill can be subjected.
High vibration in a VRM can considerably reduce
productivity, using the 7 quality tools and together with
a vibrational analysis, an optimization model is obtained
that achieves improved productivity and reduced
downtime [15].
To predict the vibrations in the upper case of the
VRM, use can be made of the fruit fly optimization
algorithm (FOA). It shows better precision in
simulations. As a result, a vibration pattern can be
predicted which will help to understand the state of the
VRM and take new safety precautions [16].