Articulo Académico / Academic Article
Recibido: 31-10-2024, Aprobado tras revisión: 08-01-2025
Forma sugerida de citación: Heredia, J.; Ayala, E. (2025). Diseño de Sistema para la Generación de Mantenimiento Predictivo
Basado en IoT e Inteligencia Artificial para Talleres de Mecánica Exprés. Revista Técnica “energía”. No. 21, Issue I, Pp. 81-86
ISSN On-line: 2602-8492 - ISSN Impreso: 1390-5074
© 2025 Autores Esta publicación está bajo una licencia internacional Creative Commons Reconocimiento
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IoT and AI-Based Predictive Maintenance System Design for Express Auto
Repair Shops
Diseño de Sistema para la Generación de Mantenimiento Predictivo Basado
en IoT e Inteligencia Artificial para Talleres de Mecánica Exprés
J.M. Heredia1
E.L. Ayala1
1 Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Cuenca, Ecuador
The purpose of this document is to highlight the existing
issue caused by a lack of knowledge about the actual
condition of machinery and precise monitoring in an
express mechanic workshop. This workshop consists of
mechanical maintenance equipment such as vehicle
lifts, balancers, aligners, and other common machinery
in such work environments. The data collected from
these machines are classified and processed using
Artificial Intelligence, specifically Machine Learning,
by employing a tabulation and interpretation algorithm
alongside IoT (Internet of Things) through the
instrumentation of these machines with sensors
appropriate to their mechanical operation. This
facilitates and enables the creation of predictive
maintenance plans as well as operational schemes that
help reduce operational costs, maintenance expenses,
and energy consumption of the workshop equipment.
The system innovatively uses a modular approach
without requiring intervention or modification of the
machines, allowing their interconnectivity with a
computer that automatically manages the collected data.
This results in a clear view of the usage of each
component, providing critical information for
generating predictive maintenance strategies.
El propósito de este documento es dar a conocer la
problemática existente por una falta de conocimiento
del estado real de la maquinaria y del monitoreo preciso
de un taller de mecánica exprés que se compone por
elementos de mantenimiento mecánico tales como
elevadores de vehículos, balanceadora, alineadora,
entre otras las maquinarias más comunes en este tipo de
centros de trabajo, estos datos son clasificados y
procesados utilizando inteligencia artificial como
Machine Learning al emplear un algoritmo de
tabulación e interpretación y conjuntamente IoT
(internet de las cosas) a través de la instrumentación de
dichas máquinas con sensores acordes a su tipo de
funcionamiento mecánico, esto facilita y permite
generar planes de mantenimiento predictivo al igual que
esquemas operativos que permitirán disminuir el costo
operacional, costos de mantenimiento y consumo
energético de la indumentaria del taller, utilizando de
manera innovadora un sistema modular sin necesidad de
intervenir o modificar las mismas, que permite la
interconectividad de la maquinaria con un ordenador
que gestione la data recogida de manera automática
dando como resultado una visión clara del uso de cada
componente, esta información es clave para la
generación de un mantenimiento predictivo.
Index terms Optimization, IoT, Predictive
Maintenance, Energy Savings, Artificial Intelligence.
Palabras clave Optimización, IoT, Mantenimiento
Predictivo, Ahorro Energético, Inteligencia Artificial.
Edición No. 21, Issue II, Enero 2025
In express mechanical workshops, there is a lack of
control over various aspects of their operations, which
leads to excessive energy consumption. This is often due
to the absence of adequate maintenance plans, downtime,
and logistical issues when creating new work orders. This
situation is exacerbated by the lack of accurate
monitoring and recording of all tasks and processes
performed, so the system concept is to get all the data
about the machines usage, then tabulate, process and get
an clear vision about how these are running, in a period
of time heading to decisions to fix the issues if they
belong to machine errors or human problems.
Additionally, in the current context of an energy crisis,
many centers and workshops are forced to rely on
combustion-powered generators to meet their electricity
needs. This reliance increases costs associated with fuel,
acquisition, and maintenance of such generators,
highlighting the urgent need to optimize energy
consumption as much as possible.
Given this issue, it is essential to develop a system
that integrates operational and administrative areas. This
paper presents a mechatronic solution to adapt machinery
into an ecosystem that maintains accurate and automated
records using IoT. These records, when analyzed with
artificial intelligence (AI), enable the generation of
predictive maintenance plans, which can prevent future
issues that could lead to unnecessary energy costs, as an
example on the automotive industry modern cars use IoT
for sending data about tire pressure, the state of the oil,
temperature of the motor and so forth, the data is used for
planning an predictive maintenance avoiding unexpected
stops and helping with the gas consumption.
Once a database of machinery operation and energy
consumption is available, an alternative energy system
can be better dimensioned to manage and administer
electricity supplied from external sources, bypassing the
public electrical grid.
As a result of implementing this system with tools
such as SVM, Random Forest, and Neural Networks [1],
these technologies demonstrate superior efficiency
compared to similar systems in generating predictive
maintenance plans [2]. The system operates by creating a
database that captures the behavior of an express
mechanical workshop, characterized by a high flow of
vehicles that require only minor repairs or maintenance.
Once this data is obtained, an AI-driven maintenance and
action plan is generated, significantly improving the
workshop’s performance and reducing material and
energy consumption, ultimately enhancing productivity.
An express auto repair shop is a specialized
establishment on maintenance, and automotive quick
repair services, the main characteristic is the kinds of
generally utilizing advanced technology to optimize
resources and time, that is, the vehicle does not remain in
the workshop for more than a day. These centers combine
traditional mechanical services with quality control
systems, digital diagnostic equipment, and, in many
cases, emerging technologies such as the Internet of
Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools for
predictive maintenance. The main objective of an express
auto repair shop is to provide efficient management that
ensures the safety, performance, and durability of
vehicles through professional administration of the
automotive maintenance life cycle.
Unlike conventional workshops, express auto repair
shops adopt preventive and predictive maintenance
practices to anticipate potential failures and optimize the
use of energy and material resources. These strategies are
based on data analysis and the integration of cyber-
physical systems, where the workshop tools can be
considered intelligent components within an
interconnected system [3]. In this way, the express auto
repair shop functions not only as a repair space but also
as an innovation hub within the automotive sector,
especially in the context of the Fourth Industrial
Revolution, where advanced diagnostic tools play a
crucial role [4].
Also known as an automotive service center, an
express auto repair shop is designed to perform
preventive maintenance on vehicles, meaning that
processes are carried out to prevent potential failures
rather than resolve them. It is also characterized by a
higher vehicle turnover compared to a traditional
mechanical workshop, as the work performed typically
takes no more than a couple of hours, ensuring that no
vehicle remains on the premises for an entire day.
To generate the database needed for the
corresponding analysis, modules with sensors capable of
accurately transmitting signals like temperature, current
and proximity, that reflect the behavior and usage of the
various machinery used in an express auto repair shop are
utilized [5]. These modules consist of a sensor and a
microprocessor with Wi-Fi connectivity, enabling data to
be sent to the cloud, these devices use Wi-Fi 802.11
protocol that is the most common allowing a range of
data transmission velocities from 11 up to 150 Mbps. In
this way, real-time monitoring is possible, allowing data
acquisition regarding the usage and performance of the
In the following diagram, the operational scheme of
the monitoring system is represented in a simplified
manner, showing how sensors are integrated to connect
to a network where devices and machinery communicate.
This setup enables the display of real-time operational
variables, providing insights into productivity and
individual resource consumption for each device and
machine used in an express auto repair shop, thus
creating an intelligent system that after its application the
time , as is shown on the following diagram how the
process starts from the machines working, then the
sensors taking data and sending to the cloud, the data
being tabulated and interpreted by AI and shown on a
graphic display.
Figure 1: IoT-Based Data Flow from Machines to Cloud
3.1 IoT applied in machinery
Each machine used must have a system that generates
a usage and behavior history, as well as environmental
variables that can be recorded in a computerized system.
For this purpose, IoT is applied to each machine in
such a way that it integrates into the system, enabling
real-time monitoring through sensors and connected
networks. This allows real-time communication and
monitoring of the different machines within the shop,
bringing the current operation closer to an Industry 4.0
environment, where human presence is increasingly less
necessary for process supervision because there is no
need for a person to check on the status of the machines
due to the fact that the sensors are taking care the
important metrics on the devices and this is possible via
IoT, all the information is process and given to the
administration department with a clear guide of what is
the action protocol to be done, so the only decision to be
made is when to execute this plan.
If IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) is integrated
with AI, we can create a system that not only monitors
the machines but, through the analysis and processing of
IoT-generated data, also develops tools that facilitate
decision-making and operational efficiency within the
3.2 Data Acquisition Methodology
Since continuous machinery monitoring is necessary,
specific types of sensors will be adapted to withstand the
constant and intense use characteristic of work in an
automotive workshop. The operational environment is
also assessed, as it directly impacts the wear and tear on
both the machinery and data acquisition devices, the
system will evaluate the work done by timing it, then
comparing with an optimal range of time database for
each machine and each case like size of tire. Therefore,
for each specific case, appropriate sensors are selected
like for example the MAX6675 with a K-type
thermocouple for temperature, the ADXL345
accelerometer for vibration monitoring, the LJ12A3-4-
Z/BX inductive sensor for proximity detection, and the
Honeywell Micro Switch V7 for mechanical position
sensing, along with the necessary microprocessor or
embedded chip, to enable unidirectional communication
between the devices and the control and monitoring
system using an Wi-Fi protocol to send all the data to a
private cloud.
The data received from the cloud will undergo a series
of mathematical algorithms that tabulate, classify, and
process the data to be presented in a graphical
environment, facilitating understanding and analysis.
AI is used for post-processing this data, analyzing the
results to determine a methodology or guideline for
correctly and specifically applying predictive
maintenance in this case study. This approach enables a
complete analysis of the workflow without the need for
direct personnel intervention and without invasive access
to the machinery, thus avoiding downtime and saving
administrative costs [6], reducing the response time and
planning time that takes to generate a predictive
maintenance plan, so this result translates on higher
productivity because the repair stops are planned ahead,
so all the process reflects on a better stat of the number
of services given to the customers.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a highly important
technology in engineering, as it enables various
approaches to solving specific issues. This solution
framework is built on tools such as SVM, Random
Forest, and Neural Networks, which can be used through
IoT. By employing this methodology for data
management and analysis, predictive maintenance can be
applied. Through continuous analysis of machinery
behavior, a history is generated. By setting thresholds,
potential failures can be accurately predicted. With
knowledge of the impending fault and its cause, a
predictive maintenance plan can be created, saving both
energy consumption and various costs that a failure
would incur.
Edición No. 21, Issue II, Enero 2025
Allowing AI to generate responses and make
decisions by considering all variables improves
operational dependency, as quick responses and an
efficient action plan are obtained to address all aspects
involved in a potential failure [7].
This process of analysis and decision-making based
on all established and input variables is managed under a
scheme where data is first standardized. Then, the data is
processed under specific guidelines, such as legal
requirements, operating regulations, AI predictions, and
simulation tools. This approach generates operational
messages, which are the results of AI after analyzing the
database and creates an automated operation program
that includes the predictive maintenance plan and the
allocation of material and energy resources. This scheme,
in general terms, is represented in the following diagram.
Figure 2: Workflow Scheme in the Software Component [6]
Since this algorithm is followed, one of the three tools
with the best performance for generating predictive
maintenance plansSVM, Random Forest, and Neural
Networksis used. The table below shows their superior
effectiveness compared to other Machine Learning tools.
Table 1: The performance of machine learning models in
predictive maintenance [1]
Support Vector
Random forest
This table allows us to assess the accuracy and
effectiveness based on relevant indicators regarding the
performance of each Machine Learning tool when
creating logistics and planning for efficient predictive
Using these tools, a specific operational scheme is
developed that incorporates the predictive maintenance
plan based on each machine’s behavior data. The
integration of AI and databases revolutionizes data
management, enabling automated decision-making and
efficient processing of large datasets. AI analyzes
patterns and predicts outcomes, while databases provide
robust infrastructure for data storage and access. This
synergy drives innovation, improves operational
efficiency, enhances automation, and optimizes decision-
making across industries and diverse applications. The
interaction between the software and this data is as
Figure 3: Operational Steps of the Prediction Model [8]
In this way, the generated database is continuously
processed, resulting in real-time monitoring of the
express auto repair shop’s performance. This allows for
the determination of the need to apply predictive
maintenance, when necessary, thanks to the anticipation
of events provided by the IoT system combined with
Machine Learning and the data acquisition ecosystem
integrated within the shop.
The results of predictive maintenance and monitoring
in an express auto repair shop are reflected in energy
savings achieved through process optimization and the
prediction of potential issues, such as failures,
unexpected shutdowns, and downtime. This ensures a
constant workflow, generating higher profits with
reduced energy consumption.
As shown in the table below, a case study on a vehicle
mechanic workshop illustrates the results in terms of
energy savings when applying Machine Learning to
maintenance and process management and various
metrics that are evidence of the improvement that means
applicate a system like this [9].
Table 2: Comparison of performance in terms of energy
consumption [1]
instances (per
for repairs
efficiency (%)
This allows us to confirm the effectiveness of
using Machine Learning and IoT in an integrated
system to optimize the operations of an express auto
repair shop, reducing its energy consumption. The
energy results derivates from a better management,
for example after applying an system of this kind the
uptime increases on a 90% to 95%, the failure rate
gets from 5 to 2 cases monthly and also the Mean
Time Between Failures (MTBF) increases from 200
hours to 400 hours [10], these parameters are
evidence of the interaction between IoT and ML on a
system, the dynamic that involve these two tools is
described in five stages:
1- Data recollection.
2- Feature engineering
3- Algorithm selection and training
4- Deployment and integration
5- Continuous Learning
The synergy between all parts of the proposed system
and the elements (machinery and workshop staff) that
make up the express auto repair shop is achieved through
administrative actions based on the results of the AI-
implemented algorithm. Once the analysis is generated,
the administrative department creates an action plan that
includes specific work protocols and a maintenance plan
for each machine. Additionally, training sessions or new
operational methods are organized to improve and
coordinate the workshop staff [11].
Monitoring each station in the express auto repair
shop allows for behavior analysis over time, revealing
types of failureswhether operator errors or machine
faults. The model is trained after entering a complete
database about the acceptable timing taken for a worker
to complete an specific activity, for example there is a
range of time for taking out a pneumatic from a rim, so
when a machine is activated a timer will star and then this
timer will be compared with an optimal time range so in
that way can be determinate if the operation was done
correctly and efficient. Once identified, a record is
created, and a learning system is applied to automatically
recognize failure trends and predict when they may
occur. This enables time for planning and proactive
action, resulting in a continuous workflow without
unexpected stoppages or temporary interruptions in the
shop’s service.
As a result, implementing a system that enables real-
time monitoring and, at set intervals, generates an
automatic analysis of the management and performance
of an express auto repair shop provides a comprehensive
positive outcome like reducing the respond times and
inactivity, increasing the overall productivity and
reducing the maintenance general costs. This system
impacts both the administrative and workshop areas,
creating continuous communication channels that
facilitate decision-making backed by an AI system that
accurately predicts upcoming failures and creates
predictive maintenance plans, the benefits proved by
Easy-Manit is the reduction of repair costs by predicting
problems and planning with time the necessary stops.
The administrative department gets the advantage to get
directly the information of the status of the workshop, not
only regarding the machinery component also includes
the human resources, facilitating the analysis, and
management of resources in general based on trustful
automatically generated information. This reduces
operational costs and promotes efficient management of
energy resources, making it an innovative project that
enhances the shop's productivity and provides a
sustainable response to the country's current energy
As a recommendation is imperative to create an own
database with the timings of the workers on an specific
workshop because these metrics will variate depending
on the training and expertise of the human resources of
each worshop.
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Johnny Mateo Heredia.- Born in
Cuenca, Ecuador on 2001.
Mechatronic engineering last
semester student, IEEE member.
Edy Ayala. - Born in Cuenca,
Ecuador, in 1987. He holds a Ph.D.
in Engineering Sciences from the
Faculty of Mechatronics at the
University of Ferrara in Italy, a
master’s in engineering sciences
from Swinburne University in
Australia, a Bachelor's degree in
Electronic Engineering from Universidad Politécnica
Salesiana, and a Diploma in Industrial Electronics from
Universidad Politécnica Salesiana. He is a Research
Professor with experience in research projects in the
fields of Energy, Assistive Technologies, and
Electronics. In 2010, he received the José Peralta Award
from the Prefecture of Azuay for his development of
automated irrigation projects.