Artículo Académico / Academic Paper
Recibido: 12-11-2024, Aprobado tras revisión: 08-01-2025
Forma sugerida de citación: Meneses, H.; Quitiaquez, W.; Quitiaquez, P.; Simbaña, I. (2025). “Regeneración de Componentes
Deteriorados de Combustión Interna Utilizados en Centrales Térmicas” (2025). Revista Técnica “energía”. No. 21, Issue II, Pp.
ISSN On-line: 2602-8492 - ISSN Impreso: 1390-5074
© 2025 Autores
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Regeneration of Deteriorated Internal Combustion Engine Components Used
in Thermal Power Plants
Regeneración de Componentes Deteriorados de Motores de Combustión
Interna Utilizados en Centrales Térmicas
H. Meneses1
W. Quitiaquez1
P. Quitiaquez1
I. Simbaña2
1Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Quito, Ecuador
2Instituto Superior Universitario Sucre, Quito, Ecuador
The generation of electric power through internal
combustion engines plays an important role in the world
economy. Exhaust cases and valves are critical engine
components and are subjected to high pressures and
temperatures. The additive remanufacturing technology
of mechanical components that have reached the end of
their useful life due to wear, through the L-DED laser
directed energy deposition method, proves to be an
effective method to obtain spare parts with similar or
even superior characteristics to a new part, extending the
product life cycle in the circular economy. The process
consists of obtaining 3D models through reverse
engineering, additive remanufacturing by L-DED and
final machining. It was determined through the study that
this methodology can be successfully applied to the
exhaust boxes and valves of internal combustion engines
for electric generation. The results obtained have shown
that this remanufacturing method is an effective solution
for the recovery of exhaust boxes and valves that have
completed their useful life and can be applied to other
engine elements, reducing the cost of the spare part
compared to a new one and bringing with it important
environmental benefits. In reference to the
remanufacturing time, it has been determined that the
application of the L-DED process in the exhaust boxes
and valves is 3943 and 3677 s respectively. In addition to
this time, the time used in the initial preparation and final
machining must be added; however, the time is
substantially less than the manufacturing of a new spare
part, which brings with it an increase in the availability of
these spare parts to perform scheduled maintenance in the
engines for power generation, contributing to improve the
efficiency of the national electric system.
Index terms−− Additive Remanufacturing, Reverse
Engineering, Circular Economy.
La generación de energía eléctrica a través de motores de
combustión interna juega un rol importante en la
economía mundial. Las cajas y válvulas de escape son
componentes críticos del motor y están sometidos a altas
presiones y temperaturas. La tecnología de remanufactura
aditiva de componentes mecánicos que han finalizado su
vida útil debido al desgaste, a través del método de
deposición de energía dirigida por láser L-DED, resulta
ser un método eficaz para conseguir repuestos con
características similares e incluso superiores a un
repuesto nuevo extendiendo el ciclo de vida del producto
en la economía circular. El proceso consiste en la
obtención de los modelos 3D a través de ingeniería
inversa, remanufactura aditiva por L-DED y mecanizado
final. Se determinó a través del estudio que esta
metodología se puede aplicar con éxito en las cajas y
válvulas de escape de los motores de combustión interna
para generación eléctrica. Los resultados obtenidos han
demostrado que este método de remanufactura es una
solución eficaz para la recuperación de cajas y válvulas
de escape que han finalizado su vida útil y puede ser
aplicado a otros elementos de los motores reduciendo el
costo del repuesto en comparación con un nuevo y
trayendo consigo beneficios ambientales importantes. En
referencia al tiempo de remanufactura se ha determinado
que la aplicación del proceso L-DED en las cajas y
válvulas de escape son de 3943 y 3677 s respectivamente,
adicional a este tiempo se debe sumar el tiempo
empleado en la preparación inicial y maquinado final, sin
embargo, el tiempo es sustancialmente inferior a la
fabricación de un repuesto nuevo lo que trae consigo un
incremento de la disponibilidad de estos repuestos para
realizar los mantenimientos programados en los motores
para generación de energía contribuyendo en mejorar la
eficiencia del sistema eléctrico nacional.
Palabras Clave
Remanufacturación aditiva,ingeniería
inversa, economía circular.
Edición No. 21, Issue II, Enero 2025
The mechanical components of internal combustion
engines that use reduced crude oil as fuel present wear
due to friction, fuel quality, accumulated hours of
operation, abrasive action of soot particles, due to the
formation of acids due to the sulfur content of the fuel,
high pressures and temperatures [1]. This causes a loss
of operating efficiency by increasing the clearances
between static and rotating components until the
maximum permissible wear is reached, which leads to
the cessation of the mechanism operation [2], [3].
Several of these engine components once they have
finished their useful life due to wear, are feasible to
recover to their original state through additive
remanufacturing processes or thermal spray processes
that allow obtaining high-quality components like a new
spare part thus extending the product life cycle in the
circular economy [4], [5]. The layer-by-layer additive
remanufacturing processes that are popularly known as
3D printing represent a new technology that achieves
good results in the circular economy [6]. This
technology allows maintaining the properties of the
additive material as well as the substrate and does not
generate oxide during process [7]. On the other hand,
several thermal spray processes produce high-quality
fusion depositions, with the disadvantage that they can
generate oxidation, thermal stress, and even phase
changes in the filler material and the substrate if the
application parameters of the process are not properly
controlled [8].
The following is a brief review of the literature
regarding the dimensional recovery of deteriorated
engine components. Rahito et al [4] conducted a study
of the principles and capabilities of using metal additive
technology, in the remanufacturing and refurbishment
of mechanical elements that have ended their useful life
due to use, to achieve product life cycle extension in the
circular economy. The study determined that the
applicable additive processes for remanufacturing are
direct energy deposition, powder bed fusion, and cold
spray technology. The researchers conclude that AM
technology is being used in more and more applications
due to the excellent results obtained, such as obtaining
elements with similar characteristics to new spare
parts [9].
Permyakov et al. [3] developed a methodology for
technological design, repair, and restoration of worn
mechanical elements, using methods for improving the
working layer of the element. The proposed
technological process for the restoration of mechanical
elements is a combination of surface plastic deformation
and non-abrasive antifriction finishing treatment. With
the application of this procedure, it is possible to restore
the elements that have suffered wear due to use,
prolonging their useful life. Peng et al. [10] developed a
multicriteria study for the selection and application of
the remanufacturing and restoration process of
crankshafts, with an approach that considers the
environmental, economic, and technical property impact
by applying the fuzzy technique of order preference by
similarity to the ideal solution. The study concludes that
the most suitable methods for crankshaft restoration
from the vision of the circular economy, based on the
proposed criteria, in order of application are brush
electroplating, plasma spraying, plasma arc coating, and
laser coating applying these restoration methods,
compared to their remanufacturing counterparts
represent a saving of 50 % of the total cost, 60 % of
energy and up to 70 % of materials.
Yin et al. [7] carried out a systematic review of the
advances in the cold sputtering process technology
(CSAM) for the additive manufacturing and repair of
spare parts. This study has shown that the repair or
manufacturing of elements with the CSAM process does
not distort the properties of the addition material, does
not generate oxide deposits, and preserves the
characteristics of the substrate, obtaining elements with
excellent physical and mechanical properties suitable
for reuse [11] However, this method has disadvantages
because the quality of the deposition depends on the
kinetic energy, producing the addition of the material by
the plastic deformation of the raw material particles,
being necessary to perform a subsequent heat treatment
to improve the quality additionally, the finish has a
relatively high roughness, so machining must be
performed to give the final finish to the element.
Xiang et al. [12] developed a method for the
determination of the optimum moment to perform active
remanufacturing of a mechanical element. As an
illustrative example, the oil cylinder of a concrete truck
that has suffered wear due to use was used. Active
remanufacturing is based on remanufacturing or
refurbishing a product before discarding it. The
determination of the exact moment when
remanufacturing should be performed is of vital
importance because it facilitates the technique, reduces
costs, and minimizes waste generation in line with
environmental protection. The study considered the
relationship between environmental impact and
manufacturing cost throughout the product life cycle.
Through the method developed it was determined that
the right time for active remanufacturing is when the
product performance begins to degenerate.
Barragán et al. [13] carried out analytical and
experimental studies to determine the most suitable
combination for the application of the additive
Meneses et al. / Regeneration of deteriorated internal combustion engine components used in thermal power plants
manufacturing method called laser-directed energy
deposition (L-DED). The variables analyzed are
deposition speed, laser power, material flow rate, and
inert gas flow. Applying the best-performing
combination, they fabricated thin-walled structures and
solid components using an L-DED head and a powder
feed system. They deposited Inconel 625 on a substrate
of AISI 304 material. The best results are related to
higher particle concentration, quality depositions, and
optimal cooling rates. Additionally, with this
combination, they obtained a significant reduction in
metal powder and gas consumption. The increase in
mass flow generates an increase in coating hardness, i.e.
these variables are directly related.
The remanufacturing of complex geometries is very
costly and requires advanced technology to achieve a
reliable result. Zhao et al. [14] developed a
methodology for the remanufacturing of compressor
blades, which includes reverse engineering, surface
modeling, recovery by additive processes with direct
laser, and final machining. First, the point cloud is
obtained through a scanner, then an adaptive
reconstruction is performed, and the 3D digital model of
the part is obtained [15], where the damage or wear can
be located, with which the additive recovery process is
determined through laser and subsequent milling
operation with multi-axis equipment. This procedure
was effective, so the results show that the applied
procedure of reverse engineering, additive process with
laser, and subtractive milling is an effective solution for
blade remanufacturing. This methodology can be
applied to the remanufacturing of other elements with
complex geometries.
Shrivastava et al. [16] performed an analysis of the
repair of aerospace components through the directed
energy deposition (DED) process, applying Inconel 718
material. The study focused on identifying the
challenges encountered in the repair process through the
DED process from the geometrical and metallurgical
point of view of the component. Some problems were
observed, such as the existence of micropores near the
edge of the repaired component and the variation of the
microstructure, about the increase of the deposition
height, which influences the increase of the preparation
cost of the component before the final use, despite
which it is concluded that the DED technique is a cost-
effective alternative in the recovery of high-value
elements, compared to the replacement by a new
The purpose of this study is to analyze and find the
most suitable additive remanufacturing method to
recover used spare parts that have reached the end of
their useful life from Mitsubishi Man 18V 40/54
internal combustion engines, contributing to the circular
economy and the environment, in addition to saving
economic resources. This document presents four
sections. In the first section, an exploration of the state
of the art of technological advances in additive
remanufacturing is carried out. In the second section,
the results and methods used are presented, focusing on
the mathematical models applicable to the development
of the study. In the third section, the results obtained are
analyzed using comparative tables and graphs. Finally,
in the conclusions section, the results are mentioned,
where the most adequate method is determined in
technical, economic, and environmental terms to carry
out the dimensional recovery of the spare parts of
motors for electric power generation that have finished
their useful life.
The research is carried out in a generation plant with
6 generators driven by Mitsubishi Man 18V 40/54
internal combustion engines. Table 1 shows the main
characteristics of these engines.
Table 1. Characteristics of Mitsubishi Man 18V 40/54 motors.
Mitsubishi Man
18V 40/54
Engine power
7800 HP
Reduced crude oil, diesel
Thermodynamic principle
4 times
No. of Cylinders
Cylinder bore
400 mm
Piston stroke
540 mm
The mechanical components of internal combustion
engines wear due to the physical operating conditions.
Additionally, acid formation occurs due to the sulfur
content of the fuel, which causes corrosive wear [17].
This war results in decreased operating efficiency due to
increased clearances between static and rotating
components. Wear occurs whenever there is rotary
motion between two contacting elements [18]. In the
production line, the failure of certain components can
lead to a total shutdown [19]. If a potential failure is
detected, it is necessary to perform maintenance
immediately before triggering serious damage [20].
Optimization of maintenance plans leads to significant
Edición No. 21, Issue II, Enero 2025
benefits in increasing the reliability of equipment and
systems [21], [22]. In the power industry, the reliability
of power plants is crucial to meet demand [23]. To keep
motors in optimal operating condition, spare parts and
consumables are necessary to comply with the
established maintenance plan.
Determination of the elements to be recovered
In Mitsubishi Man 18V 40/54 internal combustion
engines, various elements experience wears due to the
operating conditions to which they are subjected, for
example, the exhaust box, the fuel cam, and the cylinder
liner, among others. However, some of these element’s
show wearing more frequently, which requires their
replacement at relatively short intervals. Fig. 1 shows a
Pareto diagram, which shows the relationship between
the average period in which spare parts show non-
recoverable wear and the number of elements per
engine, which allows determining the spare parts to be
remanufactured as part of this study:
Figure 1: Pareto diagram, elements subject to wear in the engine
Considering the period in hours in which the
elements show wear outside the admissible range, the
number of elements for each engine, and other factors
such as the delivery time of the new spare part from the
supplier, the elements that will be part of this study have
been determined and they are the exhaust box which is
the element that is installed in the cylinder head and on
which the exhaust valve is mounted (See Fig. 2) and the
exhaust valve which is the element that is
synchronously driven by the camshaft through the
rocker's arm opens and closes which allows the
thermodynamic cycle of the engine to be fulfilled (See
Fig. 3). These elements suffer wear in the contact
surfaces between the valve and the exhaust box, it is this
area that will be recovered to the original dimensions.
Figure 2: Exhaust box
Figure 3: Exhaust valves
Remanufacturing strategies
The proposed remanufacturing method consists of
several processes. In general, it starts with the collection
of wear information of the element to be
remanufactured through reverse engineering (RE)
technology. For reverse engineering, a 3D laser scanner
is used to obtain the geometry of the worn element.
Through the RE system, the geometric reconstruction of
the element is achieved, which is the basis for the
subsequent application of the directed energy deposition
(DED) method and final subtractive machining through
a CAD/CAM system. Fig. 4 details the process.
Meneses et al. / Regeneration of deteriorated internal combustion engine components used in thermal power plants
Figure 4: General flow diagram of the remanufacturing process
Process of obtaining the 3D models of the worn
Internal combustion engines work at high
temperatures and pressures; in the case of analysis, the
fuel used has a relatively high percentage of sulfur (1 %
v/v). Because of prolonged periods of operation, various
components tend to experience wear, deformation, and
even breakage. It is important to note that each of these
defects can be unique, even if they affect identical
engine elements. Therefore, the proposed
remanufacturing process must have the ability to adapt
to these variations by specifically addressing each type
of deterioration.
Obtaining accurate geometrical data on the elements
destined for remanufacturing is critical. It is therefore
imperative to employ a suitable system to obtain 3D
models with accurate information. In this context, it has
been chosen to use a 3D laser scanner, whose
specifications are detailed in Table 2, has been selected
after considering several physical variables applicable to
the process, such as the number of complex details of
the elements and the required appreciation. Once the
element has been scanned, a point cloud is generated
and processed to obtain the 3D model.
Table 2. Main technical characteristics of the 3D scanner used
y (mm)
MIA 50
Errors often occur during the scanning process of the
worn elements due to light interferences, complicated
geometries, and hardly visible areas, resulting in
inaccurate data. Therefore, it is necessary to perform
processing the data obtained by the 3D scanner through
software in this case, the VX Model software has been
used. The process to obtain the final 3D model is
divided into some steps that are detailed below:
debugging of the point cloud data, filling of unneeded
details, and optimization in the use of computational
resources. With this, results are obtained in less time.
The 3D models obtained with the scanner are shown in
Figs. 5 and 6. Fig. 5 shows the exhaust box, which is the
element in which the valve is housed, the guides, the
fastening system, and the valve turning system. In
addition, at the top, the seating track can be seen, which
is the area that contacts the exhaust valve and
hermetically seals the engine combustion chamber in
each cylinder. The seating track is subjected to the
temperature of the combustion chamber (500 °C +- 10
Figure 5: 3D model of the exhaust box obtained through the
Edición No. 21, Issue II, Enero 2025
Fig. 6 shows the exhaust valve, which is the element
that is directly exposed to the combustion chamber of
the engine and performs the opening and closing in a
synchronized manner through the camshaft to allow the
combustion process in the chamber and subsequent
evacuation of the exhaust gases to the manifold. The
exhaust valve has in the upper part of the shaft, a
mechanism that allows this element to rotate 10 degrees
clockwise in each opening process. Like the exhaust
housing, the valve is subjected to temperatures of
around 500 °C and pressures between 110 and 120
kg/cm2. In the lower part of the exhaust valve is located
the seating track, which is the area that contacts the
exhaust box and performs the hermetic seal in the
combustion chamber.
Figure 6: 3D model of the exhaust valve obtained through the
Fig. 7 shows the assembled assembly where the
seating tracks and the arrangement of the housing and
exhaust valve when in operation can be seen.
Figure 7: Assembled exhaust valve housing assembly
The exhaust valve box and valve are elements that
are exposed to high temperatures and pressures, as well
as chemical corrosion due to the formation of sulfuric
acid (H2SO4) during the combustion process inside the
chamber due to the sulfur content of the fuel.
Additionally, it must be considered that the exhaust
valve opens and closes 200 times per minute because
the engine works at 400 revolutions per minute (RPM)
continuously. Therefore, the proper selection of the
filler material for the additive remanufacturing of the
seating tracks is essential.
Verification of the remanufacturing feasibility of
the used spare part
Fig. 8 details the process to determine the feasibility of
spare parts recovery:
Figure 8: Process flow diagram to determine the feasibility of
spare parts recovery
Remanufacturing process through Directed
Energy Deposition (DED)
Directed energy deposition (DED) consists of the
application of additional raw material in the form of
powder or wire on a substrate. To perform this
application, an energy source is placed on the substrate,
which can be a laser beam, an electron beam, or a
plasma. In this way, a small melt pool is formed, and the
material is continuously deposited layer by layer. The
deposition is performed by a computer-controlled head
based on the CAD file of the element being
remanufactured [24]. When the filler material enters the
melt pool, it melts instantaneously increasing the
volume of the liquid material. When the laser moves
away, the molten material becomes solid [25]. The
melting zone is protected from oxidation by shielding
gas, the gas is usually argon [26].
The DED process adapts to the surface conditions of
the substrate, which is an important feature for repairing
components. The case and exhaust valves, which are the
subject of this study, have a high manufacturing cost.
Remanufacturing is a substantial cost and time savings
compared to a new replacement [27]. Each of the power
sources produces different characteristics in the
application related to the size of the elements that can be
processed, the resolution of the details, and the rate of
additional material disposition. For the present study,
considering the dimensional characteristics and
Meneses et al. / Regeneration of deteriorated internal combustion engine components used in thermal power plants
complexity of the elements to be remanufactured, laser-
directed energy deposition (L-DED) was the most
suitable process.
L-DED technology is suitable for the repair of worn
elements, it also minimizes erosion or future damage of
the repaired part [28]. The application of additional
material in powder form requires a laser power of 500 to
1000 W [24]. In the case of the application of additional
material in the form of wire, the power must be higher
which produces lower-quality surface finishes, this is a
disadvantage, according to the study conducted through
a literature review, the most appropriate is the L-DED
process with addition material in powder form for this
case study. The parameters for the application of the L-
DED process in the additive remanufacturing of used
spare parts are fundamental to obtaining successful
results. These parameters include the selection and
optimization of laser temperature, material deposition
rate, metal powder flow rate, laser power, and beam
diameter, among others. In addition, it is necessary to
consider the characteristics of the material used, such as
its thermal conductivity, mechanical strength, and
physical properties, to determine the ideal parameters.
The control of these parameters will ensure the
structural integrity of the remanufactured parts and
guarantee their correct operation once installed [29].
Selection of filler material
The exhaust valve is subjected to temperatures of
around 500 °C, produced in the combustion chamber of
the engine. The pressures at this point are in order of
110 to 120 kg/cm2. The exhaust box is subject to similar
conditions. The material of manufacture of the exhaust
box and valve is Nimonic 80A. This superalloy is
widely used in diesel engines, especially in exhaust
valves [30]. The selected filler material must meet the
characteristics of compatibility with the material of
manufacture of the housing and exhaust valve and must
also withstand the operating conditions of these
elements. The proper selection of the filler material is
fundamental to avoiding difficulties due to the
differences between the physical and mechanical
properties of the filler material about the substrate.
These differences in material properties can cause
residual stress that result in cracks and spalling [31].
Two materials have been determined that meet the
necessary characteristics for the operating conditions of
the spare parts to be remanufactured in the present
study, these are INCONEL 625 and INCONEL 718.
The material Inconel 625 is used in industry in
environments with temperatures ranging from -150 to
over 1000 °C [32]. This alloy has excellent yield
strength, fatigue, and creep resistance characteristics as
well as excellent resistance to oxidation, corrosion, and
frictional wear in aggressive environments. Table 6
shows the values of the properties described. Table 4
details the chemical composition of this material.
Inconel 718 material has good creep resistance and
increased fatigue resistance at temperatures up to 700
°C. Inconel 718 has a higher tensile strength than
Inconel 625. The elongation is 8% lower than Inconel
625 [33], [34]. In addition, Inconel 718 has higher
strength at elevated temperatures and has good
resistance to frictional wear, hot corrosion, and fatigue.
Table 3 shows the composition of this material.
In general terms, these materials show differences in
density, tensile strength, corrosion resistance, oxidation
resistance, thermal conductivity, coefficient of thermal
expansion, and elastic modulus. Table 3 shows the
results of the mechanical characteristics of tensile
strength and yield strength obtained for Inconel 625 and
Inconel 718 materials after having been applied on a
substrate through the DED process.
Table 3. Tensile properties of Inconel 625 and Inconel 718
manufactured using the DED technique.
of material
and vertical
for each
strength -
500 MPa
733 MPa
[33], [35]
and vertical
for each
strength -
740 MPa
1050 MPa
[33], [36]
From the results shown in Table 3, it can be
concluded that the Inconel 718 material presents
superior mechanical properties after being applied on a
substrate through the DED process; however, these
mechanical properties are not determinant in the case of
this study according to the operating circumstances of
the parts studied.
Final machining process with CAD/CAM
Through the reverse engineering process and post-
processing with SOLIDWORKS design software, the
three-dimensional models of the parts have been
obtained, considering all their measurements and
characteristics. The geometries of the elements to be
repaired are shown in Figs. 9 and 10.
Edición No. 21, Issue II, Enero 2025
Figure 9: Geometry of the exhaust housing
Figure 10: Geometry of the exhaust valve
From these models, the machining program is
generated using CAM software. Once the recovery
process of the used part through L-DED has been
completed, the final machining of the part is carried out.
With the appropriate programming, the movements and
tools needed to perform the machine are determined.
Subsequently, the machining operation is carried out
using computer numerical control (CNC) machine tools
that perform the programmed movements. This
guarantees a high level of precision and repeatability in
the final machining process. Once the machine is
completed, the recovered spare part to standard
dimensions reaches the required specifications and is
ready to move on to the verification and quality control
stage [37].
Geometry reconstruction
The housing and exhaust valve objects of
remanufacture, which are part of the internal
combustion engine for electric generation. Fig. 11
shows the surfaces that show wear and that will be
Figure 11: Macrograph of the worn housing and exhaust valve.
The wear presented in the seating tracks of the
housing and exhaust valve are not uniform, therefore,
prior to the start of the L-DED remanufacturing process,
it is necessary to carry out a process of material removal
of the seating tracks with the use of a machine tool. This
process is carried out following established parameters
and tolerances, thus ensuring the correct repair of the
seating tracks in the housing and exhaust valve. From
the verification performed to fifteen valves and exhaust
boxes, it is determined that on average the depth of
surface imperfections is in the order of 0.1 to 0.6 mm on
the entire surface of the seating track of both the exhaust
box and the valve. To start the remanufacturing process,
the material is initially removed using a lathe on the 0.7
mm seating tracks. This process is carried out without
altering the angles of the seating tracks, thus achieving
the uniformity of the substrates to be able to apply the
L-DED process in series applying the same parameters
to all the elements to be remanufactured. Fig. 12 shows
the surfaces of the seating tracks of the valve (a) and
housing (b) respectively.
Figure 12: Areas for initial machining (a) Exhaust valve (b)
Exhaust housing.
Remanufacturing of the elements with L-DED
The L-DED process, according to the present study
represents the most suitable additive remanufacturing
technique in contrast to conventional techniques and
also uses the precision of a laser to deposit filler
material on a substrate, in this case, Inconel 625. The
precision of the laser for the deposition of material in
powder form generates a uniform microstructure with
improved properties, which makes L-DED a technique
that provides a practical and relatively inexpensive
solution for the remanufacturing of worn engine parts
for power generation. The remanufactured material
resulting from this process achieves a high density.
Inconel 625, being an outstanding alloy of nickel,
chromium, and molybdenum with good resistance to
corrosion and oxidation under extreme temperature and
Meneses et al. / Regeneration of deteriorated internal combustion engine components used in thermal power plants
pressure conditions, is ideal for application in the
recovery of internal combustion engine exhaust valves
and housings for power generation, since these elements
are subjected to high pressure and temperature
conditions. This material is also used in the aerospace,
chemical, and energy industries due to its excellent
mechanical attributes and thermal resistance. The
application of Inconel 625 through the L-DED process
presents a uniform microstructure, and improved
properties compared to conventional remanufacturing
methods. The application of Inconel 625 material
through the L-DED process presents a homogeneous
microstructure with superior characteristics to a
conventional process. In the L-DED process, each layer
is deposited perpendicular to the previous layer in a 0,
90, 0, 90 pattern, thus minimizing residual stresses.
The process in its application generates layers of
about 250 µm thickness, the laser diameter is in the
order of 850 µm, and the feed speed of the head is about
6.66 mm/s. The diameter of the Inconel 625 powder is
between 45 to 90 µm. The overlap between each track is
25% of the width, i.e. 212.5 µm, so the lateral feed rate
of each track is about 637.5 µm. The width of the
exhaust box seating track is 8.7 mm and the exhaust
valve is 8.0 mm. The diameter of the exhaust box
seating track is 119.5 mm and the diameter of the
exhaust valve seating track is 120 mm. In the case of the
exhaust box, it is necessary to make 14 tracks to cover
the width of the seating track and for the valve, 13
tracks should be made with the L-DED head. With the
process data, taking into consideration that an initial
material removal machining of 0.7 mm depth of the
seating tracks will be carried out and that the
remanufacturing time with the L-DED process of an
exhaust box is 3943 s. The remanufacturing time with
the L-DED process of an exhaust valve is 3677 sec.
Final machining
Once the machining process is finished, as part of
the finishing quality check, the surface roughness is
measured, which shows a value of 0.284 and 0.287 µm
of average roughness Ra for the box and exhaust valve,
respectively. The MITUTOYO SURFTEST SJ-210
equipment was used for this process. Fig. 13 shows the
measurement process of the settling track of the exhaust
box (a) and exhaust valve (b):
Figure 13: (a) Measurement of the roughness in the exhaust valve.
(b) Measurement of the roughness in the exhaust box.
As an additional step prior to the assembly of the
spare parts in the engines, a check is made of the seating
between tracks with the use of the ink called Prussian
Blue. The correct coupling between the tracks is
verified, which should not be less than 30% between the
surfaces in contact. Once this check has been carried
out, the assembly of the housing - exhaust valve
assembly is carried out for subsequent assembly on the
engine. Fig. 14 shows the process of checking the
seating (a) and the remanufactured and assembled
exhaust valve housing assembly ready for installation
on the engine (b):
Figure 14: (a) Checking of the seating between tracks. (b) Valve
box assembly ready for use.
The study presented a remanufacturing methodology
for internal combustion engine components for power
generation. The 3D models were obtained through a
non-contact laser scanner and CAD software. For the
repair process, the study of the application of L-DED
technology was carried out, and then the application of
final machining with machine tools was studied until the
dimensions of an original spare part were obtained. The
results have shown that the composite remanufacturing
method, which is based on reverse engineering for the
digitization of the models, the addition of material
through L-DED, and final subtractive machining, is an
effective solution for the dimensional recovery of worn
spare parts that have ended their useful life due to use
and this same methodology can be applied to other
elements of engines and industry in general.
The L-DED technique allows for the restoration of
used parts, achieving superior finish quality and a
significant reduction in surface defects. The results also
showed a decrease in remanufacturing costs compared
to the purchase of new parts. The remanufacturing times
with L-DED are 3943 and 3677 s for the case and
exhaust valve respectively, to this must be added the
time required for the preparation and final machining,
however, it is demonstrated that with the application of
this process, ready-to-use spare parts will be obtained in
a reduced time compared to the manufacture of new
elements. In terms of energy efficiency, the L-DED
Edición No. 21, Issue II, Enero 2025
process uses a reduced amount of energy compared to
other common techniques. Overall, the results of the L-
DED remanufacturing process demonstrate its
effectiveness as a cost-effective and sustainable
alternative for the recovery of used spare parts.
Authors would like to thank the Mechanical
Engineering Department and the Engineering,
Productivity, and Industrial Simulation Research Group
(GIIPSI) of the Salesian Polytechnic University.
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Hugo Meneses. - Automotive
Mechanical Engineer, Master’s in
mechanical engineering from
Universidad Politécnica Salesiana
in 2024. His research fields are
related to Thermodynamics and
Manufacturing Processes.
William Quitiaquez. - He was
born in Quito, Ecuador, in 1988.
He received his degree in
Mechanical Engineering from
Salesian Polytechnic University in
2011; Master in Energy
Management from Universidad
Técnica de Cotopaxi, in 2015;
Master´s in Engineering from Pontifical Bolivarian
University, in 2019; Ph.D. in Engineering from
Pontifical Bolivarian University, in 2022. His field of
research is related to Renewable Energy Sources,
Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer and Simulation.
Patricio Quitiaquez. - He was
born in Quito in 1969. He received
his degree in Mechanical
Engineering from the National
Polytechnic University of Ecuador
in 2002; Master in Production
Management from the Technical
University of Cotopaxi, in 2007.
His research interests are related to Operations
Management, Structural Design, Manufacturing
Processes and Simulation.
Isaac Simbaña. - He was born in
Quito, Ecuador, in 1990. He
received his degree in Mechanical
Engineering from Universidad
Politécnica Salesiana, Mention in
Machine Design, in 2018; Master
in Mathematical Methods and
Numerical Simulation in
Engineering from Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, in
2022. He works at the Instituto Superior Universitario
SUCRE, in the Electromechanical Technology Career
as a teacher. His research fields are related to Numerical
and Statistical Analysis, in addition to the study of
Thermodynamics and Manufacturing Processes.