Ethics Code
The Technical Journal "energía" is a publication that seeks national and international excellence. It is based on the ethical code of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and is directed towards editors, evaluation group members, editorial committee members, and authors.
The Associate Editors commit themselves to:
- To be responsible for the search and selection of the professionals who will be invited to be part of the Evaluation Group (Scientific Peers). For this, they will be based on their professional, academic and research trajectory, as well as on their university degree, making sure that it is of the fourth level. Additionally, they will try to identify professionals who do not present conflicts of interest with the technical article to be designated, either due to their relationship with the authors or with the institution to which they belong.
The members of the Evaluation Group (scientific peers) undertake to comply with the following guidelines:
- To be selected by the Associate Editors in relation to their academic merits and specialization. In the performance of their duties, to conduct themselves with a high sense of responsibility, strictly subject to the legal and regulatory provisions; to the norms and procedures established in the editorial policies of CENACE's Technical Journal "energía".
- Accept to be part of the Evaluation Group when it has the necessary and sufficient knowledge to perform its functions.
- Act with probity, fairness, diligence, discretion, honesty, sincerity, dignity, responsibility, transparency and respect for the institution and the objectives of the Technical Journal "energía".
- To be neutral and free of biases that may influence their decision-making capacity. The suspicion of conflicts of interest suggests the change of evaluator, either at his/her own request or by the Editorial Committee.
- Understand and respect the aspects related to the culture, principles and organization and work styles of the institution in whose evaluation he/she participates, distancing him/herself from the characteristics of his/her institution of origin and his/her personal criteria on these aspects. This distancing, necessary to fairly analyze the fulfillment of the journal's mission, vision, purposes and objectives, is particularly important given the cultural, regional, purpose and organizational style differences between institutions.
- Act with independence of judgment in the evaluation process, without assuming the representation of outside interests, no matter how legitimate they may be.
- To act within the procedures agreed upon by the Associate Editors.
- The peer reviewer, after accepting his/her participation, must comply with his/her commitment until the end of the evaluation.
- If the peer reviewer finds any irregularity in the evaluated article, he/she should report it to the Associate Editors or to the Editor-in-Chief of the journal. For example: if the peer reviewer finds too many coincidences between the manuscript and another text published in another journal or book, lack of reference to original sources, plagiarism or self-plagiarism. The reviewer will avoid further investigation of the ethical violation on his or her own, unless the journal requests additional information or advice.
The members of the Editorial Committee and the Evaluation Group express their acceptance of the following:
- The members of the Editorial Committee and the Evaluation Group are not allowed to:
- Accept gifts.
- To act in an inquisitorial manner when requesting, receiving and analyzing information.
- Request, for personal purposes, documents of the institution.
- Engage in discussions that jeopardize the achievement of the purposes of the evaluation.
- Rate the institution with personal criteria, and
- Formulate written or oral comments outside the official report.
- Failure to comply with these ethical guidelines by any of the members of the Editorial Committee will be grounds for dismissal, after the corresponding notification process.
- Notification of non-compliance with the ethical guidelines shall be made by the Editor-in-Chief. In the event that the non-compliance is denounced by a person external to the Editorial Committee, the denouncer must prove it with evidence.
The authors express their acceptance of the following:
- The author should refrain from simultaneous/multiple submission of his/her articles to different publications or publishers, as there is a possibility that the same text may be published more than once. This is neither ethical nor acceptable professional practice.
- The author should avoid duplicate publication, which occurs when two or more articles by the same author(s), without cross-referencing each other, share essentially the same hypotheses, data, discussion points and/or conclusions either verbatim or through paraphrasing.
- The author must acknowledge the original sources of the materials used in the preparation of his articles in order to avoid plagiarism. This practice of deliberately omitting authorship of fragments or the whole of a paper may take different forms: (a) verbatim copying, when reproducing a work word for word, in whole or in part, without permission and mention of the original source; (b) substantial copying, related to research materials, processes, tables or equipment; (c) paraphrasing when reproducing ideas from another person but without copying them word for word, without permission or indication of the original source; and (d) text recycling, when reproducing parts of one's own work and resubmitting it for publication as a completely new article.
- The author must respect the intellectual property rights of third parties if the materials used in the development of the article are not their property, therefore, they must have the necessary authorizations for the reproduction of photographs, illustrations, graphs, charts, maps, diagrams, among others.
- When an author identifies an important error or inaccuracy in his/her article, he/she must immediately inform the journal's editorial team and provide them with all the necessary information to make the pertinent corrections, whose adjustments will be made as soon as possible in the electronic version of the journal and through an erratum in the printed version (if applicable).
The following are certain Ethical Editorial Practices that govern Technical Journal "energía":
The editorial team of Technical Journal “energía” guarantees transparency in the evaluation and publication processes, is, therefore, responsible for the management of all articles received by the journal until their acceptance or rejection, as well as for the implementation of mechanisms that ensure anonymity throughout the editorial process.
Based on the evaluations by scientific peers, the journal's Associate Editors are responsible for the final decision to publish or reject an article. This decision seeks to select the best articles in terms of their relevance, originality and contributions to knowledge.
The Editor-in-Chief of the Technical Journal “energía” will always inform the authors of the reasons or justifications for the acceptance or rejection of an article based on the above criteria.
Communications, questions, clarifications requested by authors, evaluators, reviewers or any person interested in the journal will be answered clearly and promptly.
If a lack of accuracy is recognized in any of the content published, the corresponding rectifications, corrections or clarifications will be published on the journal's web page.
Once an issue has been published, the Editorial Committee of Technical Journal “energía” is responsible for achieving the widest dissemination of the contents through its submission to repositories, databases, information systems and national and international indexing; the publication of a new issue and its presentation.