Voltage Stability Improvement with a DSTATCOM in a Microgrid Integrated by DG Solar Photovoltaic and Conventional

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Luis Paredes
Benjamín Serrano
Marcelo Molina


At present, the positioning of the Distributed Generation (DG) and Electric Microgrids (MGs) systems has taken on large shares around the world. Therefore, the research needs related to the control, operation, stability, and resilience of these systems have marked a new paradigm of electric power supply systems. This article aims to improve the voltage stability by including a DSTATCOM device of FACTS technology in an MG integrated by DG of type Solar Photovoltaic and Conventional. The methodology developed is applied in the MG test system of the CIGRÉ, with the premise of analysis two operative mechanisms concerning the occurrence of a contingency, with which the MG will operate in isolation. The analysis is carried out through dynamic simulations in the time domain, where the dynamic behavior of the voltage is analyzed and evaluated, after the grid-MG systems have been subjected to disturbances, triggering the operation on the electric island of the MG. The results shown by the models and control algorithms developed operate satisfactorily, in addition, the applicability and benefits in the installation of DSTATCOM devices in MG systems are demonstrated to improve the operating conditions especially in terms of voltage stability.


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How to Cite
Paredes, L., Serrano, B., & Molina, M. (2020). Voltage Stability Improvement with a DSTATCOM in a Microgrid Integrated by DG Solar Photovoltaic and Conventional. Revista Técnica "energía", 16(2), 29–39. https://doi.org/10.37116/revistaenergia.v16.n2.2020.350
Author Biographies

Luis Paredes

Nació en Quito, Ecuador en 1987. Recibió su título de Ingeniero Eléctrico de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional en 2012 y de Magíster en Gestión de Energías en 2016. Además, ha realizado varios cursos y especializaciones en temáticas de energía eléctrica en Estados Unidos, China, Perú, Chile y Brasil. Su experiencia profesional ha sido desarrollada en varias empresas e instituciones del sector eléctrico y energético del Ecuador. Actualmente es candidato a Doctor en Ingeniería Eléctrica (Ph.D.) del Instituto de Energía Eléctrica (IEE) de la Universidad Nacional de San Juan (UNSJ) en Argentina. Sus campos de investigación están relacionados con: Resiliencia de los Sistemas Eléctricos, Estabilidad y Control en Microrredes Eléctricas, FACTS, Electromovilidad, Energías Renovables y Eficiencia Energética.

Benjamín Serrano

Nació en San Juan, Argentina en 1955. Recibió su título de Ingeniero Electromecánico en la Universidad Nacional de San Juan (UNSJ), Argentina en 1981. Realizó perfeccionamientos en el Institut fuer Elektrische Anlagen und Energiewirtschaft de la Universidad RWTH de Aachen, Alemania desde 1984 a 1987 y en el Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, España entre 1997 y 1998. Obtuvo su título de Doctor en Ingeniería Eléctrica en el Instituto de Energía Eléctrica (IEE) de la UNSJ, Argentina en 2017. Actualmente es docente e investigador en el IEE de la UNSJ-CONICET y sus campos de investigación están relacionados con la Programación Óptima de la Operación de los Sistemas Eléctricos de Potencia, considerando en forma específica del Control de Tensiones y Suministro de Potencia Reactiva.            

Marcelo Molina

At present, the positioning of the Distributed Generation (DG) and Electric Microgrids (MGs) systems has taken on large shares around the world. Therefore, the research needs related to the control, operation, stability, and resilience of these systems have marked a new paradigm of electric power supply systems. This article aims to improve the voltage stability by including a DSTATCOM device of FACTS technology in an MG integrated by DG of type Solar Photovoltaic and Conventional. The methodology developed is applied in the MG test system of the CIGRÉ, with the premise of analysis two operative mechanisms concerning the occurrence of a contingency, with which the MG will operate in isolation. The analysis is carried out through dynamic simulations in the time domain, where the dynamic behavior of the voltage is analyzed and evaluated, after the grid-MG systems have been subjected to disturbances, triggering the operation on the electric island of the MG. The results shown by the models and control algorithms developed operate satisfactorily, in addition, the applicability and benefits in the installation of DSTATCOM devices in MG systems are demonstrated to improve the operating conditions especially in terms of voltage stability.