Evaluation of the effect of meteorological variables on the thermal performance of a residential building based on monitored data

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Francis Vásquez
Carlos Naranjo
Andrea Lobato


Strategies to promote the efficient use of energy and thermal comfort have been actions applied worldwide. Being the variation of temperature a worrying factor for governments due to the influence to achieve the energy goals proposed by the SDGs.  In this sense, the thermal behavior inside a building could be related to external conditions and can be estimated through energy simulation tools. However, the results present different levels of uncertainty due to the quality of the meteorological data, the properties of materials, the occupation patterns, as well as the complexity of generating thermal evaluation processes.   Against this, experimental measurements to evaluate the real state of a building and thus predict its behavior with respect to the meteorology can have a great contribution. In this context, this study develops a methodology to evaluate the incidence of climate in the thermal behavior of a building. The evaluation is carried out in an experimental prototype house located in an equatorial region monitored for approximately one year.  With the available data, validated linear regression models were developed to estimate the behavior of the interior temperature as a function of one or more environmental variables. The results of the internal air temperature prediction model show an R2 of 0.41, in the worst case when only ambient temperature is available for the prediction, and an experimental error of 10%. Therefore, the methodology can be replicated in buildings of different uses, climate and adjusted to the availability of data.


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How to Cite
Vásquez, F., Naranjo, C., & Lobato, A. (2022). Evaluation of the effect of meteorological variables on the thermal performance of a residential building based on monitored data. Revista Técnica "energía", 19(1), PP. 53–60. https://doi.org/10.37116/revistaenergia.v19.n1.2022.502


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