Modelado del Tranvía Citadis-302 Implementado en la Ciudad de Cuenca Utilizando Matlab - Simulink

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R. Medina
D. Morales
B. Tapia
D. Criollo
J. Romero
P. Guamán
P. Arévalo


Mobility in Cuenca - Ecuador is a priority issue on public administration agenda; in recent years, a holistic approach to public transportation that integrates different mobilization modes and considers environmental impact and the particular conditions of the city listed by UNESCO as World Heritage. This work presents the modeling in Matlab-Simulink® environment of the new transportation system called Tram “Four Rivers”. Proposed model considers technical characteristics, power supply, DC transmission and traction systems of the vehicle. Results can be used to measure energy consumption and global impact of this system on the sub-transmission networks in the city.


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How to Cite
Medina, R. ., Morales, D. ., Tapia, B. ., Criollo, D. ., Romero, J. ., Guamán, P. ., & Arévalo, P. . (2016). Modelado del Tranvía Citadis-302 Implementado en la Ciudad de Cuenca Utilizando Matlab - Simulink. Revista Técnica "energía", 12(1), PP. 284–293.