Evaluation of the Energy Storage Capacity of Cocoa Lignocellulosic Material

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Marco Rosero
Morayma Muñoz
Jessenia Ayala
Angela García
Antonio Marcilla
Carla Zambonino
Najhely García


The purpose of this study is to determine the energy storage capacity of the material obtained from cocoa husks in a capacitor configuration. The lignocellulosic material comes from Ecuadorian cocoa harvests used in agro-industrial processes. Analysis of the volatiles generated during instant pyrolysis was conducted using GC/MS technique. Additionally, a comparison of the capacitor with two different electrolytes was made: sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and sodium chloride (NaCl). The material processing involved carbonization and chemical activation processes, carried out in a pyrolysis reactor under an inert nitrogen (N2) atmosphere at a heating rate of 20 °C min-1, and activated at 850 °C in the same atmosphere for 4 hours. Electrodes were prepared from this material and tested using cyclic voltammetry to assess energy storage at different scan rates for five cycles. The results of the GC/MS analysis and cyclic voltammetry demonstrated that the prepared secondary raw material can be used to obtain high-value added products. The main identified volatile compounds include phenols, acetic acid, and alcohols. The maximum potential was 1,1 kW kg-1 with NaCl electrolyte, and the maximum durability was achieved with H2SO4 electrolyte with a power of 0,29 kW kg-1; these values were obtained at a scan rate of 100 mV s-1.


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How to Cite
Rosero, M., Muñoz, M., Ayala, J., García, A., Marcilla, A., Zambonino, C., & García, N. (2024). Evaluation of the Energy Storage Capacity of Cocoa Lignocellulosic Material. Revista Técnica "energía", 21(1), PP. 143–152. https://doi.org/10.37116/revistaenergia.v21.n1.2024.624


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