Performance of the Primary Distribution System due to interruptions

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Gabriel Pesantez
Nelson Ugsha
Willian Guamán
Xavier Proaño
Germán Casillas


The frequency and duration of outages are one of the most critical issues among distribution companies today, whose studies allow guaranteeing the performance of the Distribution System in the event of random failures. Based on this approach, this article is developed, through which the performance of the Primary Distribution System (PDS) is evaluated in the event of random failures that occur in the networks, taking as a basis a methodology contained between the development of a reliability model framed in the relationship of the bathtub curve and the Poisson Probability for discrete random variables, concerning short-term planning (1 year); also, the probable time of failure of the Primary Distribution System is evaluated using the Monte Carlo Method. Therefore, it can be seen that atmospheric discharges and environmental effects are the main problems.


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How to Cite
Pesantez, G., Ugsha, N., Guamán, W., Proaño, X., & Casillas, G. (2021). Performance of the Primary Distribution System due to interruptions. Revista Técnica "energía", 18(1), PP. 19–28.


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