Voltage oriented control of the grid-connected wind power generation system

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Armando Freire
Luis Toapanta
Carlos Quinatoa


In this work, the behavior of primary wind power disturbances in grid-connected wind power generation systems is analyzed by simulating the voltage oriented control (VOC) of a 2 MW type 4 wind turbine using Matlab/Simulink. In the VOC the currents and voltages are controlled by transforming the stationary abc axes of the grid, in a rotating synchronous frame of dq0 axes using Park's transform, in this way a phase locked loop (PLL) control is used for phase synchronization of the grid with the voltage source converter (VSC) by adjusting the modulation index and phase angle, a voltage control (external loop) where the voltage signals are taken from the direct current bus Vcd that serves as reference to the current output signals on the d-axis and a tuning of 0 on the q-axis for the limitation of reactive power delivery to the grid, a current control (internal loop) that takes the reference signals Idq and together with the current signals from the inverter output, the active and reactive power control is performed by means of a decoupled feedback. As a result, the reference Vdq signals are obtained for the switching of the IGBT's by means of vector space pulse width modulation (SVPWM) delivering at the inverter output the maximum amount of active power delivered by the wind turbine, maintaining the state variables such as voltage and frequency for the grid connection, by means of a stable voltage oriented control to wind input fluctuations.


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How to Cite
Freire, A., Toapanta, L., & Quinatoa, C. (2022). Voltage oriented control of the grid-connected wind power generation system. Revista Técnica "energía", 19(1), PP. 61–70. https://doi.org/10.37116/revistaenergia.v19.n1.2022.517


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