Total Harmonic Distortion Reduction Through Photovoltaic Generation and Unified Active Power Filter (UAPF)

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Pablo Tupiza
Wilson Pavón
Manuel Jaramillo


In the present research work, a harmonic current compensation method called Unified Active Power Filter is proposed, which has as its source an array of solar panels together with a boost converter that is abbreviated UAPF-PV, which is designed to be able to work in low voltage distribution networks, in order to reduce the harmonic component of current. This method uses two types of active filters, one of them is the series filter which uses transformers, the principle is to compensate the harmonics that are present in the voltage. The next type is the parallel power filter, in this way it compensates for current harmonics. The analysis was carried out in an IEEE 13-bar system in which a non-linear load is integrated in the 7th bar of the mentioned system. In this case, the components of voltage, current and the total harmonic component present in bus 7 of the system and in the load were analyzed. The results obtained were the decrease in current and voltage harmonics in bus 7 of the system, where it went from having 13.5% to 6% in the THDi IEEE 1159 and resolution No. ARCERNNR -017/2020.


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How to Cite
Tupiza, P., Pavón, W., & Jaramillo, M. (2022). Total Harmonic Distortion Reduction Through Photovoltaic Generation and Unified Active Power Filter (UAPF). Revista Técnica "energía", 19(1), PP. 92–99.


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