Tuning of the Parameters of a D-Statcom for Voltage Stability with Presence of Distributed Generation

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This present research proposes to design a synchronous static controller in order to improve voltage profiles to ensure an efficient electrical grid, caused by the increase or decrease with distributed generation presence causing very fast changes of voltages and injecting transients in the wave that is supplied to the electric network. This study is developed in conjunction with PowerFactory-DigSILENT (DSL), Python and using the heuristic optimization algorithm of mean variance mapping (MVMO), for optimization in the 13-bar IEEE standard system of an unbalanced distribution system, in which the voltage quality indicator of nodes away from the system is determined, allowing the critical node to be determined, It is also possible to incorporate FACTS devices (flexible AC transmission systems), such as the (Distribution Static Compensator) DSTATCOM to improve dynamic voltage stability in micro-grids with high penetration of dynamic loads into the node. This paper describes the correction technique of the distributed supply voltage drop system and also describes the performance comparison with DSTATCOM using control strategies and transformation models, to know how the device is successfully applied to the power system to regulate the voltage of the system effectively


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YUGLA LEMA, H. V. (2025). Tuning of the Parameters of a D-Statcom for Voltage Stability with Presence of Distributed Generation. Revista Técnica "energía", 21(2), PP. 20 – 27. https://doi.org/10.37116/revistaenergia.v21.n2.2025.682


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