Design for the Conversion to an Underground System of the Network of Distribution of Electrical Energy in the Sector of the Centenary Campus of the Salesian Polytechnical University

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Roberto Rodríguez
Danilo Avilés


The purpose of the project is to present a design for the conversion of public air power distribution networks in medium and low voltage to distribution networks of underground electric energy in the surroundings of the Polytechnic University Silesian Guayaquil, allowing the modernization of the electrical system Public, accident prevention, power cuts by deteriorated systems and improve the visual impact of the area. For the elaboration of the project was carried out the information gathering of the existing electrical system, the current demand and the projected demand were determined, in addition the consumption by induction cooker for each user was estimated. The light study, the design of the distribution system in half voltage, the distribution centers of load, transformation centers, conductors and necessary protections were realized. According to projections made, the design proposed will feed the current load and increase in the next 10 years.



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How to Cite
Rodríguez, R., & Avilés, D. (2020). Design for the Conversion to an Underground System of the Network of Distribution of Electrical Energy in the Sector of the Centenary Campus of the Salesian Polytechnical University. Revista Técnica "energía", 17(1), PP. 52–59.
Author Biographies

Roberto Rodríguez

Nació en Esmeraldas en 1990, obtuvo el título Universitario de Ingeniero Eléctrico en la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana de Guayaquil-Ecuador, actualmente se encuentra cursando sus estudios de Magister en Electricidad en la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana de Guayaquil.

Danilo Avilés

Nació en Guayaquil en 1960, obtuvo el título Universitario de Ingeniero Eléctrico en la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana de Guayaquil-Ecuador, y el título de Magister Sistemas Integrados De Gestión De La Calidad Ambiente y Seguridad, actualmente trabaja    en CNEL EP. Guayaquil -Ecuador.


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