Analysis of the Thermal Comfort Perception in Residential Buildings in Loja City based on Ecuadorian Energy Efficiency Standard

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Karina Tituana
Vanessa Guillén


The building envelope plays a crucial role in interior thermal comfort and energy efficiency. Hence, the importance of implementing the energy efficiency chapter of the Ecuadorian Construction Standard (NEC-HS-EE). This chapter establishes minimum requirements for thermal transmittance of envelope elements. However, it is unknown whether these values ​​guarantee a satisfactory perception of indoor thermal comfort. This study aims to determine the thermal comfort perception in residential buildings in Loja city, through defining typologies and characterizing their envelope. Typologies are defined using information from the National Building Survey (ENED), while the envelope is characterized by surveying construction professionals in the locality. Finally, a thermal perception survey is conducted on occupants of the defined typologies. The results show that several construction packages comply with the NEC-HS-EE standard (except for the use of 7 cm thick brick wall, which is a common practice) and provide satisfactory comfort perception to occupants during the day, achieving a comfort perception within 80% acceptability. However, this is not maintained during the night.  


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How to Cite
Tituana, K., & Guillén, V. (2024). Analysis of the Thermal Comfort Perception in Residential Buildings in Loja City based on Ecuadorian Energy Efficiency Standard. Revista Técnica "energía", 21(1), PP. 122–132.
Author Biography

Vanessa Guillén, Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU




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