Optimal Power Flow in Electrical Power Systems with Environmental Considerations
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The Optimal power flows are used in electrical systems to optimize the distribution of electrical energy. In general terms, the aim is to minimize the costs associated with the generation and distribution of electrical energy, while complying with the operational and safety restrictions of the system. To achieve this, mathematical algorithms are used to solve the problem of finding the optimal power flow, obtaining as a result the flows in each transmission line of the system. These algorithms take into account various input factors, such as energy demand, generation capacity of power plants, operating constraints of transmission lines and costs associated with the generation and distribution of electricity, and also aim to maximize the efficiency of the power system, through the minimization of costs and complying with the operating and security constraints of the system. In this way, in this research work, a proprietary tool is developed with MATLAB programming that determines the optimal power flow of a SEP and also considering the system restrictions. The IEEE 14-bus SEP has been taken as a reference for the analysis, where its optimal power flow is obtained and the restrictions of both emissions and fuel costs are analyzed, thus covering the optimization of power and considering the environmental issue.
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