Solution to the short-term hydrothermal dispatch problem through nonlinear programming applied to single and multi-node systems
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This research proposes two models for the problem of short-term economic dispatch of electrical power systems through nonlinear programming (NLP). The problems raised will be resolved through the cost function of the classic economic dispatch where thermal and hydraulic generation plants are considered to obtain the electrical power generated in each of the nodes, the methodology will be used for a short-term period. 24 hours with different hourly demand, in the first instance the model will be developed for a single node with cascade reservoirs, while the second case will be developed in the 14 IEEE bus system, brief modifications are made to the original model in order to include hydraulic generation units. The non-linear programming shows satisfactory results, complying with the operational restrictions implemented in the mathematical model, in addition there are reductions in thermal generation which means lower cost, the first model is validated through bibliography obtaining an operating cost of $904,990 while in the The second model has a total cost of $129,800.
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