Monitoreo en Tiempo Real de Oscilaciones de Potencia en el Corredor Oriental Molino – Totoras – Santa Rosa – Pomasqui utilizando Mediciones Sincrofasoriales de las Subestaciones Pomasqui y Molino a Nivel de 230 kV

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E. Tapia
J. Játiva
J. Torres


This paper investigates and implements algorithms denominated Power Swing Detection – PSD and Predictive Out-Of-Step Tripping – OOST, which base their operation on synchrophasor measurements for the detection of oscillatory conditions and loss of synchronism. The algorithms are directed to the problem of angular stability presented by the National Interconnected System (SNI) with the Colombian System when occurs contingencies N-2 in certain areas of 230 kV Network, which can trigger unstable oscillatory conditions or loss of synchronism, if these conditions are not detected on time and control actions are performed. For which develops a computational tool based on Synchrophasor where PSD and OOST algorithms are applied, for it must first determine the parameters of characteristic setting them dependent power system in which they are implemented. This tool allows to observe and monitor in real time the dynamic behavior of nearby generators buses where synchrophasors measurements were obtained, in addition to detect stable and unstable oscillatory conditions, reaching to get an additional tool for decision making if is necessary.


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How to Cite
Tapia, E. ., Játiva, J. ., & Torres, J. . (2015). Monitoreo en Tiempo Real de Oscilaciones de Potencia en el Corredor Oriental Molino – Totoras – Santa Rosa – Pomasqui utilizando Mediciones Sincrofasoriales de las Subestaciones Pomasqui y Molino a Nivel de 230 kV. Revista Técnica "energía", 11(1), PP. 195–203.