Integration of a Monitoring System of Climatic Conditions to the National Energy Management System

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José Enríquez
Carlos Del Hierro
Roberto Sánchez
David Panchi


This work presents the development of a data acquisition system in real time for climatic variables such as temperature and climatic conditions; and its integration with the Energy Management System - EMS of CENACE. The acquired climatic variables will be used to analyze the relationship between temperature and electricity demand in different cities of Ecuador. Additionally, the presentation of meteorological conditions in an operational display within SCADA / EMS will help decision-making in the real-time operation of the National Interconnected System. This article shows the different concepts and components used for its development, as well as the results achieved at the visualization level.
Finally, the results of an analysis of the variability of the daily hourly demand for six months will be presented, focusing on the cities of Guayaquil, Quito and Cuenca. Through the data mining technique called Orthogonal Empirical Functions, this work explains the existing correlation between the amplitude of the orthogonal empirical vectors calculated of the demand and the temperature of each city.


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How to Cite
Enríquez , J., Del Hierro, C. ., Sánchez, R., & Panchi, D. (2021). Integration of a Monitoring System of Climatic Conditions to the National Energy Management System . Revista Técnica "energía", 17(2), PP. 124–132.


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