Numerical analysis by CFD for the forced boiling process with isobutane circulating through square tubes

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Fernando Toapanta
William Quitiaquez
Cristina Tamay


The purpose of this investigation is to compare the development of the boiling phenomenon in an analytical and numerical way, by means of the heat transfer coefficient for two phases and the steam quality with the R600a refrigerant, inside a square steel tube up to 3 cm side, the simulation is carried out using a software for computational fluid dynamics (fluid ANSYS). Finding an increase in steam quality for high calorie flow and low thickness. Finally, it finds the maximum phase change by boiling for flow of 400 kg/m²·s, heat of 20,000 W/m², with 88% steam for the central point in the exit edge condition.


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How to Cite
Toapanta, F., Quitiaquez, W., & Tamay, C. (2023). Numerical analysis by CFD for the forced boiling process with isobutane circulating through square tubes. Revista Técnica "energía", 19(2), PP. 110–118.


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