Design and Construction of a Home Digital Energy Meter

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Diego Jiménez
Jhoao Rea
Pablo Muñoz
Gabriela Vizuete
Leonel Latacunga
Ciro Iza


This practical implementation work shows the design and construction of a home digital meter prototype in which you can view the different variables in real time such as network voltage, electric current, average power, home energy consumed in kWh, and the associated monthly billing cost. The design of the prototype is divided into three stages, the first has to do with the charging and power supply system of the device, the second shows the acquisition and conditioning system of the input variables, and the third has to do with the Arduino Mega 2560 microcontroller. In this stage of processing, recording, and storage of information is done. The construction of the prototype is carried out in several phases, firstly the practical design in the Proteus 8 Professional software to then implement on the breadboard and later mount on the PCB. Finally these modules are coupled in a plastic box with IP- 65 which shows in its front view the liquid crystal screen attached to show the output variables of the finished device. The operation of the prototype is validated by comparison through several practical application tests in a real case study versus a conventional energy meter. Finally, the prototype is ideal for home energy measurement systems since it adapts to the needs of each consumer.


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How to Cite
Jiménez, D., Rea, J., Muñoz, P., Vizuete, G., Latacunga, L., & Iza, C. (2023). Design and Construction of a Home Digital Energy Meter. Revista Técnica "energía", 20(1), PP. 82–92.


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