Evaluation of Flexible Configuration Pipeline Networks for Hydrocarbon Transportation

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William Quitiaquez
Christian Cholca
Erika Pilataxi
Fernando Toapanta


Pipelines are currently the main method of transporting fluids from one place to another within an industrial plant. The present investigation studies the piping configuration of a hydrocarbon transport pump system. An investigation was carried out to identify the different loads present in pump system designs due to self-weight and thermal operating effects to reduce the stresses and displacements acting on the piping, guaranteeing its mechanical integrity and the safety of equipment and plant personnel. The model development and analysis has performed in the specialized software Bently AutoPIPE under static conditions; the operating temperature and pressure data are 100 °F and 320 psi, respectively. For the analysis, two configuration models were used pipes with rigid and flexible system, allowing to compare results and validate that the stresses in pipes and pumps nozzles are within the allowable loads according to ASME B31.3 and API 610 standards. Based on the analysis results, the sustained and thermal stresses are 16.3 and 14.4 ksi, values that represent approximately 75 % of the maximum stress of the system.


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How to Cite
Quitiaquez, W., Cholca, C., Pilataxi, E. ., & Toapanta, F. (2023). Evaluation of Flexible Configuration Pipeline Networks for Hydrocarbon Transportation . Revista Técnica "energía", 20(1), PP. 109–117. https://doi.org/10.37116/revistaenergia.v20.n1.2023.584


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