Parameter Identification, Validation and Tunning of Speed Regulator Tool Using Heuristic Optimization Algorithms

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Wilson Brito
Santiago Chamba
Diego Echeverría
Aharon De La Torre
David Panchi


Currently, Ecuadorian electrical system operation is experiencing several technical challenges, such as: 1) neighboring electrical systems integration in the Andean Electrical Interconnection System (SINEA) and 2) primary energy sources diversification. Under these new operating conditions, dynamic safety may be compromised by frequency stability issues. Based on frequency regulation, the objective is to use control mechanisms and available generation reserves to respond suitably to the electrical system's demands. Within this context, it becomes imperative to devise methodologies that ensures fast and accurate responses of power-frequency control equipment, such as speed regulators employed for Primary Frequency Regulation in generators. Given this foundation, an approach is presented relying on heuristic optimization methodologies, for the development of a tool that helps to compute the parametric identification and adjustment of speed controllers. Using measurements obtained from the proposed methodology, the developed tool was able to effectively perform the identification and validation of the speed regulation system of the CCS power plant as well as to propose new parameters that improve the response of the identified system.


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How to Cite
Brito, W., Chamba, S., Echeverría, D., De La Torre, A., & Panchi, D. (2024). Parameter Identification, Validation and Tunning of Speed Regulator Tool Using Heuristic Optimization Algorithms. Revista Técnica "energía", 20(2), PP. 21–33.
Author Biography

Diego Echeverría, Operador Nacional de Electricidad, CENACE

Recibió su título de Ingeniero Eléctrico de  la Escuela Politécnica Nacional  de  Quito, en 2006. En el año 2021, obtuvo el título de Doctor en Ingeniería Eléctrica en la Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Argentina. Actualmente trabaja en el Operador Nacional de Electricidad CENACE de Ecuador como Subgerente Nacional de Investigación & Desarrollo. Sus áreas de interés son: Estabilidad de Sistemas de Potencia en Tiempo Real, Sistemas de medición sincrofasoriales PMU’s y Control de Emergencia de Sistemas de Potencia.


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