Evaluation of Active Power Losses in the Electrical System of the Empresa Eléctrica Quito (EEQ) Applying an Optimization Algorithm
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This investigation proposes to develop a methodology based on the mean-variance mapping optimization (MVMO) algorithm to reduce the active power losses of the subtransmission system of the Electric Company Quito (EEQ), determining the best operating point of the system, considering the state of taps of the transformers, the capacitor banks and the contribution of reagents from the generation plants that the company currently has. EEQ. The same ones that, when operating in an adequate manner, lead to reducing the value of active power losses in the network, thus improving the operating conditions of the EEQ Electrical Power System.
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La Revista Técnica "energía" está bajo licencia internacional Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 4.0.
Empresa Eléctrica Quito, 2023, Sitio web: https://www.eeq.com.ec/historia
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