Application of Grid Forming Control in Energy Storage Systems for Primary Frequency Regulation Case Study: Galapagos Islands

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Andrés Jacho
Diego Echeverría
Santiago Chamba
Carlos Lozada
Wilson Sánchez


The Galapagos Islands present distinctive challenges in managing their electrical system due to their remote geographical position. Currently, their energy sources are limited to non-renewable energy and partially dependent on renewable energy sources like wind and solar power. The intermittence of these sources poses a threat to the stability and reliability of power systems. The battery energy storage systems (BESS) are a commonly adopted approach for promoting the stability of frequency and voltage in power systems. However, the effectiveness of these systems in accomplishing this objective is contingent on the type of controller and operation used in the storage system. Electrical energy storage systems implement two primary modes of operation; Grid Following and Grid Forming.

This paper focuses on the implementation and evaluation in different scenarios of the network-forming mode of operation of the storage system, with the purpose of contributing to the primary frequency regulation in the MRE of the Galapagos Islands. The results obtained demonstrate significant improvements in the stability of the MRE, and greater efficiency in primary frequency regulation.


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How to Cite
Jacho, A., Echeverría, D., Chamba, S., Lozada, C., & Sánchez, W. (2024). Application of Grid Forming Control in Energy Storage Systems for Primary Frequency Regulation Case Study: Galapagos Islands. Revista Técnica "energía", 21(1), PP. 94–104.


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