Wear - Sediment Quantity Correlation Model for Preventive Maintenance Scheduling of a Hydroelectric Power Plant

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Kleber Zhañay
Cristian Leiva
Erika Pilataxi
William Quitiaquez


The present research is carried out for the improvement of the availability of a hydroelectric power plant through a wear-sediment quantity correlation model for the scheduling of its preventive maintenance, the data is based on the measurement of blade thicknesses, as well as visual inspection to identify discontinuities in the water equipment, once the data has been collected, data analysis techniques can be used to evaluate the condition of the Francis turbine and determine the need for preventive maintenance under working condition. The data analysis detailed is the least squares method where the independent variables considered are power and suspended particles with their nephelometric unit of measurement of turbidity in parts per million (PPM). By means of the aforementioned analysis, it is possible to complete the results with the projection of the wear to years after the data obtained from the inspection point, and it also allows taking preventive measures before a failure occurs, which helps to reduce downtime and maintenance costs. Thus, the hydroelectric power plant under study has an annual average availability of 97.21 %, reduced by the suspension of power generation due to reservoir flushing and scheduled maintenance shutdowns. While the annual average reliability is 99.89 %, it is reduced by unscheduled failures. The result of the correlation statistical model determined the preventive maintenance for improvement conditions of 98 % of the availability in the hydroelectric power plant and is reflected in the reduction of days of no electricity generation.


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How to Cite
Zhañay, K., Leiva, C., Pilataxi, E., & Quitiaquez, W. (2025). Wear - Sediment Quantity Correlation Model for Preventive Maintenance Scheduling of a Hydroelectric Power Plant . Revista Técnica "energía", 21(2), PP. 39–47. https://doi.org/10.37116/revistaenergia.v21.n2.2025.691


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