Development of a weather station and a computational tool for the evaluation of wind and solar resources

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Nelson Granda
Jenny Monga
Cristian Barreno
Franklin Quilumba


This paper presents the design and implementation of a weather station and a computational tool for the evaluation of solar and wind resources. The weather station records the following variables: air temperature, relative humidity, solar irradiance, atmospheric pressure, altitude, latitude, longitude, wind speed and direction. An autonomous power supply through a photovoltaic system with energy storage has been also included.

The weather station transmits data in real time through an Arduino compatible Ethernet module and stores the weather measurements in a database created in MYSQL. The database is inside a XAMPP server installed on a personal computer. A web page created in PHP allows the visualization of the acquired variables in real time.

The meteorological variables obtained through the weather station are fed into a computer program developed in Python programming language, which allows determining the wind and solar potential of the area where the station is located. The results of this work serve as valuable information for the development of solar and wind generation projects.


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How to Cite
Granda, N., Monga, J., Barreno, C., & Quilumba, F. (2022). Development of a weather station and a computational tool for the evaluation of wind and solar resources. Revista Técnica "energía", 18(2), PP. 113–123.


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