Evaluation of the gasoline engines behavior by the air flow simulation through the throttle body

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William Quitiaquez
Andrés Argüello
Isaac Simbaña
Patricio Quitiaquez


This investigation analyzed the throttle body of a 1.1 L small gasoline engine. The electronic control module receives the information from sensors, pressure, temperature, and throttle valve position, to do calculations, determining the amount of necessary fuel injection to produce combustion. The objective of this work was to increase the airflow that enters to the intake manifold, by using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Two butterfly valve models were analyzed, the original one, where the internal behavior of the throttle body was studied, in pressures and flows. While the second one was a modified model, with a cut in the axis of rotation, to propose an increase in the air flow to the intake manifold. Four simulations were carried out, with a relative opening of 0, 20, 40 and 78 %, obtaining average pressure values between 31.35 to 70.05 kPa, besides average flows at the outlet of the intake body of 6.72 to 58.71 g·m-1 as the throttle valve opens. For data validation, the obtained outlet pressures with the absolute pressure sensor of the intake manifold were compared to the simulation values. Without having experimental data for the mass flow rate, the analysis was developed between the two simulated models, with an average flow rate of 28.22 g·m-1 and an increase of 9% in mass flow rate in the modified body. As the throttle opening increases, the pressure values become similar.


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How to Cite
Quitiaquez, W., Argüello, A., Simbaña, I., & Quitiaquez, P. (2023). Evaluation of the gasoline engines behavior by the air flow simulation through the throttle body. Revista Técnica "energía", 20(1), PP. 100–108. https://doi.org/10.37116/revistaenergia.v20.n1.2023.583


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