Short-Term Prediction of Smart Metering Systems by Multivariable and Multistep Deep Learning Architectures

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Jorge Lara
Mauricio Samper
Graciela Colomé


Smart Grids have revolutionized the electricity industry by enabling more efficient control and monitoring of the electricity supply, with a key component being smart meters (SM). These collect information on demand, energy, and harmonic distortion, among others, which must be stored and managed efficiently in a metering data management system (MDMS). The MDMS must ensure that a complete set of data is obtained for use in algorithms to ensure the reliability and quality of the power supply. To address the challenge of management the big data generated by SM, short, medium, and long-term measurement forecasting techniques have been proposed, highlighting the use of artificial intelligence such as Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Deep Learning (DL) methods due to their ability to adapt to different input and output variables with various time horizons. In addition, the influence of the diversity of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on the update time and data storage in the MDMS is highlighted. In this sense, this work aims to identify which ANN or DL architecture(s) could be more suitable for enterprise, survey, or research applications, demonstrating favorable performance metrics in different scenarios of sampling frequency and typical data update times in Smart Grids. This is relevant due to the need for MDMS to perform multivariate and multi-pass predictions in the short term to complete the information until the information is available or updated.


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Lara, J., Samper, M., & Colomé, G. (2024). Short-Term Prediction of Smart Metering Systems by Multivariable and Multistep Deep Learning Architectures . Revista Técnica "energía", 21(1), PP. 153–164.


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