Economic Energy Dispatch of the Micro-Grid in the Galapagos Islands Using the Simsee Platform
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The Galapagos Islands, a natural heritage of humanity, have meticulous control of wildlife and strict inspection of the number and frequency of visitors. The increase in tourists, apart from positive aspects, and the increase in population generates a greater demand for electrical energy. In this sense, Galapagos seeks a boost to comprehensive energy sustainability, replacing thermal energy with environmentally friendly Non-Conventional Renewable Energy (NCRE), through the optimal energy management project through the Conolophus microgrid project.
This document analyzes the optimal management of electrical energy (short-term economic dispatch) considering the stochasticity presented by the high insertion of NCRE in the Santa Cruz-Baltra electrical system. For it. The free simulation software called “SimSEE” (Electric Energy Systems Simulator) is used, where operational scenarios are modeled with and without the Conolophus project in order to analyze its impact on the planning of the operation of the Santa Cruz-Baltra system.
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