Economic Dispatch of Energy Systems in Multiple Areas using Network Flow Programming
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Electricity demand is dynamic in time, aspect for which its supply should be a primary task, which is why the economic dispatch (DE) seeks to determine the amount of energy to be delivered by all generators in the most profitable way and which in turn, they meet a variety of physical and operational constraints in a single area system. However, in general, generators are segregated into a series of generation areas interconnected by link lines. Multi-area economic dispatch (DEM) is an escalation of single-area economic dispatch. In this sense, the present work develops an optimization model that will be solved through GAMS and determines, through DEM, the level of generation and energy exchange between areas to minimize the cost in all regions while complying with the restriction’s energy balance, reserve restrictions, power ramp up and down ramp restrictions for each generator, and link capacity restrictions between the different areas.
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