Identification Methodology of Oscillatory Modes in PMU Measurement Ambient Type Data

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Graciela Colomé
Omar Ramos
Diego Echeverría


The aim of this work is to put forward a methodology to evaluate the oscillatory stability of a power electric system (PES) analyzing the low-frequency oscillatory modes (LFOM) through the processing of synchrophasor measurements Phasor Measurement Units (PMU) of ambient data. The proposed methodology, based on spectral and pseudo-energy analyses and on parametric methods of Canonical Correlation Analysis and Yule-Walker, estimates the LFOM, whose frequency and damping characteristics provide critical information to PES operators to carry out preventive or emergency control actions. The proposed methodology was applied to synthetic measurements for its tuning and to characterize its range and accuracy, and to PMU records of the Ecuadorian power transmission system, successfully identifying the 0.4 Hz inter-area mode of the Ecuador-Colombia interconnection. The contributions of this work are aimed at evaluating the oscillatory stability of the PES through automatic computational tool that processes PMU signals of ambient type data.


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How to Cite
Colomé, G., Ramos, O., & Echeverría, D. (2024). Identification Methodology of Oscillatory Modes in PMU Measurement Ambient Type Data. Revista Técnica "energía", 21(1), PP. 55–64.


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